
Андрей Верников (Company: IK “Zerich Capital Management” Должность: Deputy General Director for Investment Analysis)

“For a laugh, I have another blog. Лучший trader in the history of Lech-maitrade!
Leaked four portfolios - give money to the fifth! :) :) :) “

– Andrey.. I would advise you to go to a speech therapist and make at least a million on the stock exchange yourself, before writing in that style, in which you do it. good luck

Пиздец.. even some analysts are already trying to throw something in my direction… i wahue)

I have not traded at the western depot for 3 weeks… just got it, that I cannot reverse a losing trend on an account with that strategy, which I traded. So I returned to Russia and I'm fine. Soon I will squeeze the Detter)))  And in the west I trade in parallel with the demo. Deals on my amers all the same 0-4 in a day, therefore I do not feel any discomfort.. and gaining experience.

By the way, I thought, that the demo will trade differently, than in real life.. (like most of them make money on demo, but in real life soso) but having tried, has concluded, that this only happens to beginners.. and so it was with me, when i first traded demo and real. Right now I have already outgrown all these psychological illusions and I absolutely shit and I don't feel the difference.. there is a signal – getting in, сигнала нет – don't go. All. I'm working on my strategy.. purely technical. How will a stable upward trend appear on the account? – вернусь обратно. So far, the demo is about the same., what happened in real life) – which only confirms the absence of any difference for me personally.

  System # 1 transactions for futures

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Dada… I trade through
Because this is the best broker on raske.. blaspheme here to think epta.

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