American boy about A. Gerchik

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….Finally it happened – now I am an independent person. I bought a house! I bought a car! I opened a bank account and live on huge interest – I'm a rentier! My life has changed completely – i travel all over the world, i ski in the alps, i am sunbathing on the mediterranean sea, I'm having fun in Las Vegas… Now I know no boundaries – the whole world is my home. I never believed, what can this happen to me. I was born into a large family, lived in a hostel, worked as a draft horse for 18 hours a day to feed the family… Now all this is over and I am very glad, that he listened to my son's advice and signed up for a seminar with A. Gerchik. I was told before that after the seminar almost everyone wins – even by 1$ yes wins. I tried, and fortune smiled at me, not that she smiled – strangled me in her arms. Yes, now i'm a free man!…

….I quit courses A.Gerchika 3 months ago. My husband laughed at me, Said, I'm doing nonsense, does not matter, pier, I won’t really earn anything. But when I saw this at the next check of the trading results, I could not believe my eyes, my husband and I could not come to our senses for a whole week… Now we're taking a trip around the world. Husband jokes, what will it be honeymoon, because when we got married, there was no honeymoon due to lack of money. Well now all financial difficulties are over and we are starting a new life. What can I advise you? Go to A. Gerchik's courses!"…

….It's incredible! I used to think of myself as an unlucky person.
Can't get used to the thought, that it happened – after A. Gerchik's courses, I began to earn! Two times in a month. What is this? I don't believe! Can not be! But here they are – Statements. I don't know what to do with money, What to buy. Well buy a new TV, well bike – and what else? People, tell! Maybe three TVs? One for each room…

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