Paulo Coelho – Alchemist(audiobook)

Recently read this book, I think it will be useful to get acquainted with it to everyone.

Пауло Коэльо - Алхимик

“To achieve the embodiment of your destiny is the only true duty of a person… All people, while they are still young, know their fate… But, over time, a mysterious force is taken to convince them that, that it is impossible to achieve the embodiment of their fate. This power seems to be malevolent, but in reality it indicates to the person that, how to fulfill your destiny. There is one great truth on this planet: when you really want something, you will achieve it, after all, such a desire originated in the soul of the universe".
Year: 2003
Genre: artistic lit-ra, philosophy
A type: audiobook
Audio codec: MP3
Description: Paulo Coelho – nowadays the most popular writer in the world.
“Alchemist” doesn't look like “Jonathan's Seagull” or “Illusion” Richard Bach, yet
it looks less like “Little Prince” Exupery, but for some reason it's hard not to
remember these tales-parables, when you want to say something about “Alchemist”. This
parable for our time, and not in vain “Alchemist” – favorite book of the strong
of this world and ordinary people in 117 countries of the world.
“To achieve the embodiment of their destiny – it is the only true duty
All people, while they're still young, know their fate… But over time,
a mysterious force is taken to convince them that, that to achieve their realization
fate is impossible.
This power seems to be malevolent, but in reality it indicates
to the person for that, how to fulfill your destiny. She prepares his spirit and his
Will. There is one great truth on this planet: when you really
you want something, you will achieve it, after all, such a desire originated in the soul
Universe. And this is your destiny on Earth.”.

  Synopsis of the book Innovative Portfolio Management. Davida Swenson

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When you want something badly, the whole universe will contribute to this, so that your wish will come true

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