
It happened, that since mid-December, practically did not trade. It became finally clear, that stock trading by hand, even in semi-automatic mode – not an option – tied to a computer, good signals are happening, when you are not there, then tilt, attempts to beat the advisor, and te de and te pe. For a full-fledged robot, моих, very superficial, knowledge was not enough. I started looking for a programmer, and almost immediately found. On the forum. Seemed like a serious person. Ordered. The EA was ready in less than a month, taking into account all my wishes and additions. Price – нормальная, not 150-200 Dollars, certainly, as indicated in some branches, но и не 100 000 rubles, how comrades position themselves, writing under the Rosfond. Given that, that these are not two or three indicators, and the advanced constructor, which can be simulated for various instruments, timeframe and trading style, I was satisfied. Although I could not invent some new principles – покупай дешевле, sell more, that's all. MT4 platform, now I'm testing online on a VPS, on demos and small real. Interesting, that the optimization was carried out for the eurodollar, Then, with averaged system parameters were tested on seven currency pairs, and eurek was only in the middle of the list. The Canadian immediately went to the basket, and oddly enough, евройена. Two system settings work, one type of scalper – takes short movements, другая – analogue of trend. Not tested on FRTS yet, but there is a suspicion, what will cope with our futures, yes and MT5, in “Открытии” appeared. But in general, sorry for the huge amount of wasted time, nerves and money – everything could be solved much easier, as it turns out…

  Here is the ANSWER :)
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