Alexander Matveev: Tesla is a time machine

You've never seen a Tesla car? In Silicon Valley, only talk, what about Tesla and venture capital investments in general. And about that, how great is it to invest in innovative companies and watch, how a simple idea turns into a unique product. And a barely noticeable startup, originated somewhere in the garage, becomes the new Hewllet Packard, Apple or Google. Tesla, seem to be, from this row. Alexander Matveev talks about his impressions of the car of the future.

At the end of August, together with the Executive MBA students of the Skolkovo Moscow School of Management, I attended the training module in the USA. I've never been to Silicon Valley before. But even before his trip to America, he dreamed of visiting Tesla Motors, electric vehicle manufacturer, named after the outstanding scientist Nikola Tesla. Biographers consider him “a man, who invented the twentieth century "and" the patron saint of modern electricity ". Our curriculum managers have set up a very busy schedule, but still I had plans to visit the head office of Tesla Motors in California and take a ride on the roads of the west coast of the United States in a unique S series sedan.

Tesla Model S is recognized as the safest car in 2013 year in America

Tesla Model S is recognized as the safest car in 2013 year in America

The first time I heard about Tesla was in the fall 2010 years from one investor, included in the first hundred of Forbes Kazakhstan. He shared the news with me, that he successfully bought shares of a young automobile company at an IPO. Tesla shares were listed on NASDAQ 29 June 2010 year on $17, and on the very first day of trading grew by 40%. Then in the summer 2012 of the year we started talking about this company in a conversation with a professor at the module on business planning at Skolkovo. This conversation became more informative for me.. I found out, that Tesla Motors was created by Martin Eberhard and Mark Tarpennig in July 2003, and not billionaire Elon Musk, as is commonly believed.
Musk headed the company's board of directors in 2004 year, becoming the main investor in Round A. In the same way, a venture fund entered into one of the investment rounds., our professor is a partner. He didn't talk about the entry price, but noted, that his fund sold all of its shares in an electric car maker after the IPO. "This is the strategy of our fund", - explained the venture capitalist. At that moment, I checked the price on Bloomberg - $27 per share. In any case, the fund should have made good money.

Tesla Motors has already risen to twelfth place in terms of capitalization in the list of public auto concerns

Tesla Motors has already risen to twelfth place in terms of capitalization in the list of public auto concerns

I decided to invest in Tesla Motors securities this spring. Made a small bet in April. There were many reasons to pull the trigger: the company's shares rose significantly after brilliant quarterly results, unexpected for Wall Street analysts, and have already exceeded $40. And I bought the main package on the days of the May holidays, when the business media reported the successful sales of the Model S every day, the rapid development of its own dealer network outside the United States, construction of super gas stations throughout North America. By this time, more than $50. The market has gone completely mad, when at the end of May Tesla fully repaid a debt to the Department of Energy in the amount of $465 million - nine years ahead of schedule.
In the last week of spring, quotes broke through a psychologically important mark in $100. I was delighted. Certainly, on the other side of the Atlantic, not everyone was as positive. Tough guys from Goldman Sachs release Tesla report with negative look in mid-July, and Wall Street speculators rushed to sell. Promotions from the level $125 collapsed in one day on 15%. However, less than a week, how the recommendations of the pessimists from the east coast forgotten, quotes have fully recovered, and then continued their rapid ascent. By the time of my departure from Sheremetyevo to Silicon Valley, they cost $150!

The company's quotes have set records in recent months

The company's quotes have set records in recent months

One of the reasons for the excitement was the special treatment of the company and its securities on the west coast of the United States.. Stanford students, where the name of Elon Musk is known to everyone, sold her shares just to, to use the proceeds to buy options. "We are just a few steps away from a world without gasoline cars.", - sounded in one of the forecasts about the development of world transport in a lecture by the director of the Institute for the Future Sean Ness. I stayed a couple of minutes after the lecture, to ask his opinion on Tesla. “I know Ilona. I have shares in his company. They do everything right ", - the man answered with a smile, who for two decades, together with high-class scientists, has been forecasting the future for 30 years ahead.

Almost every venture capitalist and entrepreneur, whom I met on the west coast, knew Tesla Motors and its business very well, understand the prospects and risks and, least, wished success. And he is. Tesla Model S cars on California roads are just as common, how, say, petrol monsters Mercedes S-class in the center of Moscow. More Tesla S sold in California over the past year, than Audi A8 or BMW 7 series.
I was eager to get to the Tesla Motors office and the branded car dealership as soon as possible., test the car yourself. But from dawn to dusk we were busy in the classroom or visited other world-famous companies. Had to sacrifice one day of knowledge, high marks for the course and meeting with Microsoft top managers. Together with a small group of extreme students, I went to Tesla Motors. When we left the city limits and drove into the countryside, on both sides of the road we were surrounded by fields, and I started to worry. It seemed to me, that the offices of high-tech manufacturers must be occupied by glass skyscrapers. With this stereotype, as with many others, after a visit to Palo Alto had to leave.

Hard to believe, that it is in this nondescript building that the technologies of the future are being developed

Hard to believe, that it is in this nondescript building that the technologies of the future are being developed

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We drove into the ranch, where the horses grazed peacefully, when the navigation kindly reported, that less is left to the goal 100 meters. A typical Silicon Valley scene: on the territory of agricultural land (namely, this industry was famous for California 50 years ago) are the headquarters of many high-tech companies. It was amazing to watch, how nature and high technology are harmoniously combined. A hundred meters later, a parking lot appeared in front of us and a low, unremarkable hangar-type building with the inscription TESLA. Gates, security and other obstacles familiar to Russian realities on our way were not found.
A real American behind the desk - a middle-aged blonde in good athletic shape - answered, that Ilona is not here today, but we can leave a message for him. I asked, who is responsible in the company for the development of the dealer network outside the USA. She called somewhere and said, that Brian Batista is now in Amsterdam, opens another car dealership. But she gave me a business card with his contacts and noted, what is the best to write, and he will definitely answer. This did not cause any doubt in me, since we were told about the culture of communication in Silicon Valley more than once. You will always receive a reply to your letter, whoever and whatever you write. Reputation and relationships are important here over the long haul., because people move up and down on social elevators all the time - someone invents something, some companies take over others, yesterday's employee hires his former CEO for his own new business. The valley ecosystem is highly efficient and has a long memory. By the way, we started a correspondence with Tesla Development Director. Brian answered me in less than 24 o'clock. In a nutshell: "Russia is not included in the company's strategic development plan". I intend to continue communication and, together with the students from Skolkovo, make changes to his plans.

In Silicon Valley, it is not customary to classify the contacts of top managers

In Silicon Valley, it is not customary to classify the contacts of top managers

One of the car dealerships, selling a unique electric car, was a 15-minute walk from the hotel, in which we lived during our American module. The building is a simple glass beaker, which contains several models: roadster and S. The sellers - young girls and guys in branded polo shirts - were attentive and friendly. The atmosphere of the salon was very similar to the Apple Store.: here nothing should distract from the company's product. In addition to me, there were two other visitors in the salon - a gentleman of about 45, just escaped from the golf course judging by his clothes, and a lady of advanced years. Her flawless gray hair spoke of a high probability that, that she drove the first Henry Ford models in the last century. A short guy with a face came up to me, freckled, and a snow-white smile. For a couple of minutes we talked about the weather and mood, introduced ourselves to each other. His name was Todd. I told, that he is familiar with the car and would like to ride. You need to sign up for a test drive in advance via the Internet. How, however, and much more - catalogs, treaties, even a purchase - all this is available only on the company's website. He checked something, asked for the right, I signed the paper, that he is not drunk or sick, and we went to the silver sedan model S, shining in the rays of the California sun.

Tesla showrooms are somewhat reminiscent of the Apple Store

Tesla showrooms are somewhat reminiscent of the Apple Store

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The release of this sedan is the second phase of Tesla Motors' strategy. The car is designed from scratch and is fully assembled by the company.. Despite, that he looks traditional on the outside, unique in literally everything. First, what catches your eye, - these are door opening handles, fully retracted into the back. This is not only done for, to make the buyer feel a slight shock, when they automatically leave the body, but primarily to improve aerodynamic performance. "This is one of the most streamlined sedans in the world.", - noted Todd proudly. “The machine is completely made of aluminum, parts are stamped on the largest press in North America. Power reserve 480 km, such a reserve is possessed by a gasoline car ", - the young seller continued to educate me already inside the S-ki salon. Another distinguishing feature of this model is its capacity - it does not have a huge amount of unnecessary parts., typical for gasoline engines. Level floor, the trunk contains the third row of seats for children. It's important for me, as I am looking for a new car for the whole family. Surprised then, that the child seats are rearward facing. Model X will have a classic layout.

With my size and weight, I did not like the seats a little. Unfortunately, in this model there is no choice of others. And made a smile on the steering wheel switches from Mercedes. Todd got a little embarrassed and said, that this is the fruit of the partnership with Daimler AG. All other parts are original. And there was no doubt about it. Huge 17-inch monitor, complete absence of any plastic buttons, unique lines of panels and doors made of high-tech materials - everything created a special atmosphere of the car of the future. I wanted to go as soon as possible. Freckled guy didn't mind.

Alexander Matveev

Alexander Matveev

Slowly, absolutely noiselessly we taxied from the parking lot to the green streets of Palo Alto. Maneuvering through the streets, I did not feel anything unusual and decided to deal with the multimedia system. The giant iPad in the center of the panel was simple and straightforward to operate. Sound, world, climate system, music, navigation - everything was on this monitor. Flawless graphics and large and bright icons allowed you to control all functionality with your fingertips. Thanks to the constant Internet access, you could find any music of excellent quality.. And the navigation graphics were photographic quality. I could be enthusiastically poking my finger at the monitor for a long time, but Todd interrupted my computer quest.
There was a highway in front of us in San Francisco. Todd smiled slyly, I understood him without words and pressed the gas pedal. The next second I experienced a real state of shock. The immediate response to the effort was unexpected to me. In absolute silence, the car accelerated like a jet fighter on the runway. There is no gearbox in the car, cardan shafts and other unnecessary parts for an electric car. Compact power unit stands directly on the axle. Next time I decided to sink the pedal to the floor, when the speed is higher 100 km / h white five-liter Mustang caught up with me, eerie roar of the last century gasoline engine. In a split second, the family sedan was already tens of meters ahead of the American sports car.. Tesla develops traction very evenly and instantly, speed gains occur continuously, no need to switch gears, there is only one transmission.

We had to go back. I threw the car to the side, practically without slowing down. She clearly blended into the turn without a hint of skid. Such stability can only be provided by Porsche cars.. All this is the merit of the battery, located along the entire length between the axles. "Esca" has an ideal axle weight distribution and the lowest center of gravity in its class. There were still a couple of kilometers to the car dealership, when Todd insisted, so that I try another trick - one of the main innovations of the electric vehicle. Regenerative braking. You enable this function, and the car starts to brake without using the standard brakes. Regenerative braking works, when you take your foot off the gas pedal, and the car slows down on its own. “The magnetic field of the recuperation system begins to oppose the motor and slows down the machine. Simultaneously charges batteries, thereby increasing the power reserve ", - Todd said calmly, while I nervously fought the urge to play it safe by pressing the brake pedal. Braking is very effective, in this mode, the machine can be operated with one pedal. I am sure, that the advantage of this system would be appreciated by racers.

My test drive is over, but I didn't want to leave the car dealership. I checked the quotes of Tesla Motors on the exchange - $165. "Well, the company's securities brought good income. I enjoyed driving immensely.. It's time to buy a family car for dad ", - I thought and went to Todd. We spent about an hour more in detailed discussions of the peculiarities of the operation of the machine., purchase payment, guarantees. Surprise after surprise awaited me. US government adds $8500 for the purchase of an electric car, maintenance costs are $500 in year, and it is not necessary to pass it. Car warranty - four years, battery life - eight years. Electricity costs for the run in 15 000 km per year ten times lower, what would be for gasoline. A network of free super electric stations under construction across North America, where the battery can be fully charged in 30 minutes, Model S named the safest car in the USA 2013 year. I got it, that Tesla Motors didn't just build a battery-powered car, but conceived a revolution, which will forever change the face of the modern car industry. I gave up and gave Todd my credit card to place an order for the Model X, which will be released in 2014. It will be a seven-seater SUV with the option of a second engine and all-wheel drive., battery of increased power and a number of technical innovations, allowing you to easily operate the car in countries with a cold climate and snow. My order number - 5336.

I remember, as in childhood, when i was ten, dad bought a Lada 2101 - one of the most coveted cars in the USSR. We are all together: parents, my sisters, Grandpa and Grandma, - were looking forward to, when will our turn come and we will have at our disposal this miracle of the Italian automotive industry. Together we will go to the dacha for the weekend or on a trip from Moscow to Leningrad. It was a very pleasant and quivering feeling of anticipation., which I have not experienced in a long time. I am pleased to, that Tesla returned this magical feeling to me and my family after almost 30 years. A woman, son and daughters are looking forward to the moment, when we all fly together to San Francisco for a new car and go on a journey in a time machine to new discoveries, knowledge, impressions across America!
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