Alea iacta est - the die is cast

Hello, friends!

Someone says, what trader должен жить только на доходы с рынка.

Someone claims, that this is unreasonable and a fallback is needed, providing in case of losses the opportunity to at least buy food and pay the necessary living expenses.

I was an adherent of the second option. And my blog has always provided me with passive income.

But as a person, who is also interested in psychology, motivation issues, I now understand, что не все так просто.

It is impossible to achieve results without motivation.. Motivation, goal, clear plan and real actions — this is what, what everyone needs, who wants to succeed in life.

No motivation — there is no point in looking for a goal and writing a plan.

Я ощущаю, that my motivation is lame. No adrenaline, чувства опасности, animals instincts of self-preservation sleep. I like trading and enjoy making money by trading, competing with other bidders. I want to win. I love competitions since Muay Thai training in Chinook.

But the difference is, I'm relaxed. Defocused. Uncollected.

Perhaps this is due to the presence of passive income from advertising., training, affiliate programs, etc..

May be, this is one of the reasons, by which I wanted to get rid of the blog — find yourself in the situation of a hungry lone wolf, wandering in the desert in search of food.

An example from history:

Having crossed the English Channel with an army, Caesar landed in Britain. Then ordered to burn the ships. He built his soldiers on a high bank, so they can see with their own eyes, how the flames devour the remains of the ships, which they recently sailed on. In this way, Caesar prevented the possible flight of the army and made the soldiers understand, that they can only return home, if only victories are won. Undoubtedly, the eloquent sight of the burning ships increased the strength of the soldiers tenfold. And now they perfectly understood without any words, that the bridges are burned, that they should only go forward. And that they need to win by all means. Which they did.

It's time for me to cross my Rubicon and leave a warm place.

  How do you like the market?

Do not know, where will it take me, but i go for my heart.

From now on, I cut off any funding sources through training., партнерских программ, advertising, etc.

I open a pamm account and live on the income from it.

At the same time, I will clean the blog from garbage and outdated and irrelevant articles. Already deleted about 2/3 of them (about 300 постов). Traffic will sink, but what's the difference?

Somehow I got myself entangled in cobwebs and couldn't understand, what is wrong in my life. I will not advise you to repeat this experiment., because every person is different and then, what motivates one, another can harm. Time will show.


Until, until you made the final decision, doubts will torment you, you will remember all the time, that there is a chance to turn back, and this will prevent you from working efficiently. But at that moment, when you decide to fully devote yourself to your work, Providence is on your side. Things like this start to happen, which could not have happened under other circumstances ..., whatever you dream about, start doing it. Courage gives a person strength and even magical power.. Make up your mind! - Johann Wolfgang Goethe

God bless you, at least until the next blog update Zen trading.

My world
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