Share – Take over Wall Street (Occupy Wall Street )

Take over Wall Street (English. Occupy Wall Street) — stock гражданского протеста в американском городе Нью-Йорк, running from 17 September 2011 years to the present. The goal of the protesters is a prolonged seizure of Wall Street in the financial center of New York in order to draw public attention to the crimes of the financial elite and call for structural changes in the economy.. Some participants also protested against the death penalty of Troy Davis in Georgia. 21 September 2011 of the year.


The stock still does not have a clear-cut leader., nevertheless, the thought of such a protest was born in the Adbusters group, некоммерческой организации, known for her anti-capitalist and anti-consumerist stance. Anonymous hacktivists are actively supporting. 28 September 2011 of the year, demonstrators received the support of several large trade unions, including the Union of Transit Workers, which totals about 40 000 members of. 30 September 2011 years, the participants of the movement marched near the headquarters of the New York police. About 1000 people carried banners criticizing the actions of law enforcement agencies. The protest took place after, how, during one of the demonstrations, the police sprayed tear gas at four women. The incident video went viral online, and many participants in the action promised to "stand by the end". Expected, that the demonstrators will remain in the tent city in Zucotti Park throughout the winter. 1 October 2011 the police arrested more than 700 demonstrators, members of the Occupy Wall Street movement, who blocked the roadway in an attempt to cross the Brooklyn Bridge.
Beyond New York, Occupy Wall Street demonstrations take place in other US cities. Как утверждают организаторы, they keep in touch and coordinate their actions with like-minded people in major US cities and abroad – in Spain, Canada, Израиле, Португалии, Greece, australia, UK and other countries.

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Wall Street protests have been going on for days. Campaign organizers named it "Occupy Wall Street" («Occupy Wall Street»). Calls to take to the streets on their website 20 thousand. human. But ... on the first day of the demonstrators there were no more 700 human, and today - no more 200. The demonstrators are mostly young people, Unfortunately, unemployed. And the inability to find a job, lower living standards for so many, as well as the state of the economy in the country - the main reasons for the protests. The demonstrators blame the bankers for this., propose to close Wall Street. It turned out according to Bloomberg: "Educated guys, college graduates, can't find a job. This is fraught with disorder., demonstrations of protest, like in egypt. Do we want it?», обращался Bloomberg во многих своих спичах, addressing the question to the government. He also cited employment figures for New York: “Unlike the whole country, where the increase in unemployment was recorded, loss of jobs, our New York is in the most advantageous position. We've added jobs ", - said the mayor. But statistics from the Employment Department (more precisely - unemployment) for Mr.. New York testifies to the opposite. Compared to July, more people applied for unemployment benefits in New York in August. Bloomberg is already familiar with this., and its task no. 1 - job creation, and for young people - first of all.
... The organizers of the protests dreamed of turning Wall Street into Tahrir Square, chanted "Down with the bankers, corruption ", «Мы знаем, where did the money go ", "Give me a revolution!». Leitmotif of demonstrators' speeches: “99% of the population suffers from 1% arrogant and arrogant bankers, thieves, tied by corruption ".
Demonstrators were stationed in Zucotti Park for several days., set up tents, ночевали там.
Since the early days of protests, police have barricaded the entrances to banks on Wall Street, demonstrators' tents destroyed everywhere. But it's all within the law: tents banned in crowded places in New York, you can not interfere with passers-by, you must not interfere with transport. And they are unlikely to be allowed to sow confusion here, similar to Cairo.
One of the demonstrators said: “We do not take offense at the police. They do their job honestly. In the end they are among 99%, also suffering from the tyranny of the rich, as we are".
Demonstrators have problems with Yahoo. The website did not receive messages from the organizers of the demonstrations to the participants. The Yahoo administration apologizes to the demonstrators and explains this with technical reasons and concerns about the safety of their customers - users, and not at all by special blocking of their messages. They promise to solve the problem.
По разным данным, arrested over the past few days from 7 to 16 human.
But in this case too, for all the objectivity of the demonstrators' applications - the demonstrations were provoked by the accusation of the rich and the main enemies - the bankers - in all the troubles of the country.

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