Nike shares are up 14% after the 4 neighborhood 2021 of the year

Nike shares are up 14% after the 4 neighborhood 2021 of the year

sportswear manufacturer, Nike shoes and accessories (NYSE: NKE) reported for the 4th quarter 2021 of the monetary year:

  • revenue increased to 12,3 billion dollars — eighty-six percent compared to last year and twenty-one percent relative to 2019 of the year;
  • digital sales added forty-one percent year-on-year and 147% by relation to 2019 year;
  • unblemished profit was 1,5 billions — against the loss in 0,8 billions a year ago;
  • gross margin increased by 850 base points, with 37,3 to 45,8 %;
  • transaction costs increased by seventeen per cent: after quarantine, shops began to open and sports events were resumed again, therefore, spending on wages and advertising has increased.

Each region saw a 10 percent increase in Nike sales, in almost everything due to the low base effect. A year earlier, the company's stores, along with the whole world, were closed for quarantine - everywhere, not counting the PRC, revenue fell by more than forty percent. In China, quarantine restrictions were lifted earlier, therefore, in the fourth quarter of last year, sales in the state fell by only three percent.

In North America, in the main market for the company, revenue and digital sales increased by 141 and fifty four percent. Relatively 2019 year - on 29 And 177%. In the second largest market, Enabling?? Europe, Middle East and Africa, revenue and digital sales increased by 124 and forty percent. In relation to 2019 year - on 21 And 170%.

Revenue grew least in China - by seventeen percent. Even before the report is published, UBS specialists, Morgan Stanley, Bank of America and other banks told, that sales growth in the PRC may slow down. In March, Chinese users announced a social media boycott of Nike.: clothing manufacturer informed, that he is “alarmed” by reports of forced labor surrounded by Xinjiang.

Nike also sells shoes under the Converse brand. Converse sales are up by 95%, to 0,6 billion, and made 4,8% of total quarterly revenue.

Together with the fourth quarter for the company ended 2021 fiscal year. Here are his results:

  • revenue increased by 19%, to 44,5 billion dollars;
  • net profit increased by 126%, to 5,7 billion;
  • gross margin increased by 140 basis points, with 43,4 to 44,8%;
  • operating costs decreased by 1%.

IN 2021 fiscal year, Nike's revenue also grew in all regions. Converse sales are up by 19%, to 2,2 billion, and made 5% of total annual revenue.

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At the postmarket, after the publication of the report, Nike stock rose by 14%, with 133,6 to 152,4 $. Analysts are waiting, that during the next 12 months, the company's securities will grow by 8%, to 164 $.

Nike shares rose by 14% then the report for 4 neighborhood 2021 of the year

Regional sales of goods under own brand in the fourth quarter, million dollars

2020 2021 The change
North America 2230 5384 141%
Europe, Middle East and Africa 1328 2979 124%
China 1647 1933 17%
Asia-Pacific and Latin America 801 1458 82%
Total 6006 11 754 96%


Regional sales of goods under own brand for the year, million dollars

2020 2021 The change
North America 14 484 17 179 19%
Europe, Middle East and Africa 9347 11 456 23%
China 6679 8290 24%
Asia-Pacific and Latin America 5028 5343 6%
Total 35 538 42 268 19%


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