Shares for passive income

As stocks fall at the end of August, some stocks should give investors a stable profit and profit, if the overall market decline worsens.

When the stock will rise in price?

CNBC Pro identifies stock S&P 500 with low volatility, which must withstand a sale in the market. We were looking for promotions with a beta below 1, which means, that they move less, than the common market.

Shares for passive income

Shares allow you to receive passive incomeEactions allow you to receive passive income

  • From this pool, we found stocks with a dividend yield higher. 2%. Dividends – this is the payment of part of the company's profit to its shareholders. Promotions, paying dividends, regularly bring income to investors.

Then we checked for popular stocks., by defining names, That, at least, 60% Wall Street analysts are advised to buy.

What to buy for an investor?

Stocks with low volatility and dividend payments on the CNBC Pro list almost all surpassed the S index&P 500 this week, which decreased by 1,4% as of closing yesterday.

Many of the stocks on the list are concentrated in the utilities sector., which is known for its stable income stream and high payouts. There are other obvious protective shares, including Mondelez and Philip Morris International $PM.

McDonald's and CVS Health – some of the most interesting companies, who are listed again. They are not traditionally considered protective shares., but each of them has thrived during the pandemic..

At McDonald's there was a business boom at the beginning of the year, and CVS increased store attendance because of that, that people have received Covid vaccines and related treatments.

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