Airbnb Announces Huge Service Update

Airbnb Announces Huge Service Update

Airbnb's place to find and list a rental property (Nasdaq: ABNB) Analyzed, how consumer habits have changed over the past year, and redesigned own service. The company concluded: Due to remote work, people are less tied to one place, the geography of their movements has expanded, and they stay longer on the road.

Here are the top Airbnb innovations.

Elasticity. Travelers with flexible schedules can rent accommodation without a fixed departure date and time limits. Improved ad search system: users will see offers, which are slightly cheaper or more expensive, what they planned. You can find housing close to attractions or various specific places.

Lightweight hosting. Artificial Intelligence Helps Landlords Faster and Better Ads: choose cute photos and descriptions. Integration with public information about real estate allows you to automatically indicate such details, as the number of bedrooms and bathrooms.

Help. The number of supported languages ​​has increased from 11 to 42. Travelers and homeowners can get personalized advice at the new Help Center.

Other major changes for travelers: expedited order design process, management and annotations after arrival, refreshed feedback system, more stringent cancellation conditions.

For homeowners: a new system for managing orders and evaluating possible income, automatic answers to frequent customer questions, individual advice for permanent landlords.

In a recent Q1 2021 report, Airbnb reported revenue growth of 5%. Net loss more than tripled mainly due to repayment of term loans. The company's management noted, that as vaccination increases, the number and duration of trips increase.

Airbnb announced a major service update

Airbnb Q1 Financial Results, million dollars

2020 2021
Revenue 842 887
Operating loss 325 447
Net loss 341 1172




Operating loss



Net loss



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