Aphorisms about the Exchange

There is no model, which would predict the direction of exchange rate movements much better, how can this be done by tossing a coin.

What is the difference broker from boxer? The first one is fixing bucks, second – boxing on fixes.

Big money corrupts, Small – embittered. I want a lot, a lot, a lot of average money.

There is nothing more bitter, than looking at a trader, which instead of, to, having a titmouse in weary hands, close in time and go to sleep, by the morning, the bitter tears of unfulfilled hopes are smeared on the sweaty face, looking at the crane, floating high in the sky towards the house, where does mr J.Soros.

Nothing builds trust between partners like that., how 100 % prepayment.

According to our analysts, the situation in the stock market is stabilizing: uniform fall will become uniformly accelerated.

Economists, making predictions, are divided into two classes: they, who don't know, what's going to happen, and they, who don't know, that they don't know it.
First I looked for a broker on the Internet, Right away – through Interpol.

Economist – this specialist, who will know tomorrow, почему то, what did he predict yesterday, didn't happen today.

Every long-term investment was once a bad speculation.

Dog – friend of human. Broker – enemy of man, although a dog.

In the event of a nuclear war, only two species will survive - cockroaches and financiers.

Compare casino trips vs trading, это все равно, what to compare going to the zoo and safari.

Unemployed broker, selling potatoes in the bazaar, it's always easy to find out – he has two prices: to buy and sell.

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