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Everytime, when we try to find any information, we are faced with the problem of choosing exactly that, which we need. It is very important for a day trader to use time and resources correctly.. So where is the information, necessary to understand what is happening on the market? What is the algorithm for working with this data?

1. www.rbctv.ru - business television. We need two programs:

overseas business - this is all the diversity of the life of the world business community: news of the largest corporations, the most exotic ways to make money, unknown pages from the life of sharks of world business.

markets - investor-oriented program, financiers and economists. Its task is to inform viewers about the latest events on the stock, foreign exchange and commodity markets in Russia and the world, analysis of these events with the involvement of qualified authoritative experts and market participants, as well as forecasting the development of events in these markets in the future. The program uses opinions of both Russian, and Western experts. To prepare for the trading session, the most important is the last final release of yesterday.

2. www.k2kapital.com - information and analytical portal, providing the most up-to-date and up-to-date information on foreign financial markets. First of all, you need to read the results of the day.. And view the news titles, that concern America and if any news interests, you can read it in full. I recommend using this resource during the trading session..

3. www.briefing.com - an English-language information resource. The most important thing, what you need to pay attention to - Economic Calendar, Earnings Calendar, Earnings Guidance, Upgrades/Downgrades. You can take note of these promotions, as they are likely to have strong movements.

4. www.finviz.com Is a very powerful information resource. With its help, we make a selection of shares for every day..

After the work done, we are armed for the upcoming trading session and are ready to fight for our money.

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And be sure to remember: trading on the stock exchange involves constant risk and you must have the right mental attitude.

Good luck and profitable trading!

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