7 measure once ...

Hello, people!

To clarify my attitude to trading and answer some of your thoughts, I can say the following.

our life — in our hands. We cannot avoid the interference of circumstances, the case, force majeure. But we can always live and work like this, as if everything depends on us. It changes everything qualitatively., what do we undertake.

Раньше я полагал так: don't want to go to the gym for training? Muscles ache, snot flows, tiredness has accumulated… Look to the future and think, will something change there, ahead of, if you miss one workout? Certainly, the answer was obvious-nothing will change, life will go on and everything will be fine.


At this particular moment, I allowed myself a weakness, succumbed to circumstances. Next time I'll learn my lesson this way, that you can give in to weakness without harming your health. And soon I will begin to give in not only to physical ailments, but also just to whims. I will stop taking care of my body, stop controlling emotions, stop respecting myself and others. Because this is a natural result of this approach..

I have to retrain and change my worldview, because I always do this — exploring my life, which is formed under the influence of the principles preached by me and fix the result. And when I understand, that is at a dead end — it's time to revise attitudes and behavior.


Returning to trading, I can note, that trading in financial markets, aside from those negative aspects, о которых я упомянул here can be a way for you to get bogged down in your dreams and castles in the air, and a way of self-discipline, education of strong-willed qualities, instill the ability to set long-term goals and plan ways to achieve them.


That is, there is always a plus and a minus.. In all.

You just need to focus on, what are you or me guided by. And if instead of pluses we do everything, to collect a minus from this case — then obviously, that we are going the wrong way. That is, a person can say, what Trading для него — a lifelong business and leave a successful business, семью, friends and sit at the terminal for years. This is stupid. It is just as stupid to suddenly say, that trading is shit just because, that someone created him to cheat suckers, covering up your failures and indiscipline.

You just need to learn to be honest with yourself and correctly assess your motives.. Otherwise, even make a decision of principle — inside it will be bad from such self-deception.

Good luck!

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