7 reasons for fear of failure

«Формула успеха? It's pretty simple: double your losses. Do you think, that failure is the enemy of success. This is wrong…» (with) Thomas Watson, first president of IBM.

Everyone trader имеет свое представление о поражении. For some, defeat is a failure to achieve their goal.; for others - an indispensable attribute of achieving goals. Failure is not necessarily bad.. Losses motivate some traders to put in more effort and do everything they can to succeed.. However, regarding others, defeat can only do harm.

The very essence of the competitive process is arranged as follows, that someone has to fail, and fear, what could it be you, quite common in trading. Under such pressure, good traders can start to doubt their decisions, trade only in perfect health, and suffer from negative deals. It only increases their chances of being defeated..

Fear of failure is usually caused by fundamental mistakes., which are not always thought about. Равновесие и истинное решение проблемы придет только тогда, когда будут устранены все ошибки, causing this fear.

Causes of Fear of Failure

Below is a list of typical fundamental defects, which cause fear of defeat :

Inflated expectations

Зачастую у трейдеров есть представление о том, how much should they win., usually, based on inflated expectations.

When these expectations are not met, вы не может понять, why didn't he succeed. As a result, it leads to fear and anxiety.. Решение в том, to turn your expectations into goals. Since the goal is that, к чему вы стремитесь, Do you understand, that to achieve it, you need to take certain steps and carry out a certain amount of work. And the wait is just your idea of ​​ u200b u200b, what is going to happen, and it doesn't stimulate you to make an effort.

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Then, when your expectations are not met, you start to fear defeat again, but at the same time, you do not take any action to eliminate the causes of fear of defeat. On the other hand, when you fail to achieve your intended goal, you learn the lesson learned, adjust your strategy, and keep working, to achieve it. Трейдеры с завышенными ожиданиями боятся поражений, because they have not learned to use experience, extracted from them, without which success is simply not possible.

Зависание во время совершения сделок

If your mind freezes while opening positions, но вы не понимаете, Why is this happening, fear may begin to develop. Not knowing the cause prevents you from starting to work on solving the problem., and also makes it impossible to foresee its appearance. This uncertainty prompts you to try and insulate yourself from failure., что в свою очередь, paralyzes your mind.

Hanging while thinking about making important decisions happens at that moment, when accumulated fear suddenly invades your mind and makes it impossible for you to reflect. Справиться с этой проблемой и уменьшить количество накопленного страха вы сможете, если определите причины возникновения страха.

Попытки контролировать то, what is impossible to control.

When you start to take it more seriously, more time is at stake, of money, свободы. The more you risk, the worse the consequences of defeat, so you try your best, to win. And when it comes to trying to control that, what is impossible to control, you put yourself on the right path to defeat.

Spending time trying to control variance means, that you pay less attention to the quality of your trade. Make sure that, that you are focused on those aspects, which you can really control, and on the understanding, what is beyond your control.

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Неудачи в распознавании успеха.

When you ignore subtle targets, which you managed to achieve, it seems to you, that you are doing worse, чем есть на самом деле. But your view is biased precisely because, that you do not notice all your successes. To fix this gap, rummage through your notes and find targets, которые вы ставили – большие и маленькие – и определите те, which you have reached. Do this regularly for several weeks., as it is unlikely, that you will remember everything in one sitting. Even if you just write down your achievements, it can help you combat your fears.

Попытки закрывать каждую сделку в плюс

Quite often they think about traders, что можно закрывать каждую сессию и сделку в плюс. In their opinion, a minus session marks defeat. The desire to end each session with a plus is too high an expectation, and all, what does not correspond to him, associated with defeat. Чтобы разрешить причину этого страха, Make sure, that your wish is unfulfillable, and why is it good for you, then set realistic goals and stop chasing excessively high expectations.

Concept of success, как о чем-то легко достижимом.

Those traders, to whom success came easily the first time, go through periods of recession very hard, such as a strong drawdown on the account. Over time, they expect success., а неудачи рушат эти ожидания. Faced with such a test for the first time, they lack the ability to deal with it, they develop fear, and they are at a loss, when will it all end. To recover from similar failures and return to quality trading, you will need a separate ability. If you miss her, work on its development. Success takes hard work, especially if you face difficulties.

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Вы считаете себя неудачником.

Если поражения в трейдинге заставляют вас чувствовать себя неудачником, it's not just about money. Зачастую этот вид страха проявляется у трейдеров, who are not putting in enough effort, spend insufficient time and work insufficiently on their trade. If they tried and failed, then thereby inflicted a heavy blow on their self-confidence. The problem with self-confidence is the root cause of this fear.. When you deal with the reason, then the fear will go away too.

Fear of failure is a hard problem, especially because, that you can fail, trying to get rid of her. Активно исправляйте ошибки, лежащие в основе вашего страха потерпеть поражение – даже страха перед тем, that you may not be able to get rid of it. Know, что не все пойдет гладко – неудачи составляют неотъемлемую часть учебного процесса. Failure does not mean final defeat. Перешагивайте их и продолжайте работать.

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