500 000 $ behind 1 year (Robot – HFT)

Интересную статью написал Jesse Spaulding on his blog как он использую высокочастотную торговлю заработал 500 000 Dollars with 2009 on 2010 year.

This post details how with 2009 on 2010 G. I earned about 500 thousand. dollars using high frequency trading. Since I traded completely independently and no longer use my program, then happy to tell you everything. I traded mainly on Russel 2000 and DAX futures contracts.

I believe, that the key to my success was not complicated financial equations, but rather in the complete development of the algorithm, который связал много простых компонентов и использовал машинное education для оптимизации и получения максимального дохода. You don't need to know complicated terminology, because after i installed my program, everything else was based on intuition (Andrew Ng's amazing machine learning course (Andrew Ng) was not yet available then, but if you follow the link, then you will be taken to my current project: CourseTalk - Review Site for Massive Open Online Course (Massive open online course, MOOC)).

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