5 ways to deal with fear


  1. Let go of your old habits. For people, suffering from depression, психотерапевтом Аароном Беком a special method was developed. His observation was, that people with a pessimistic outlook on present and future life are prone to depression. This tendency is formed in deep childhood. Beck concluded.: if a person can be taught to have a negative perception of life, then it is also possible to wean him. For effective perception, the client needs to be helped to see, that his reaction to these circumstances is too sharp and negative. It is also imperative to respond appropriately to these circumstances., that people take everything too close to heart. It's not easy to give up this habit. Using the technique of rejecting past experience will help to achieve the desired result..
  2. Ask yourself, why do you think, that your ideas will not support or you are under the curse of a failure? Beck described people's tendency to irrational thinking and personalization.. I.e, many said: "I know, that the director will not support this idea "or" I am cursed! I will never get that, what I want". In these moments it is important to find out, why are you so afraid to change your life and get exactly what, чего желаете.
  3. Besides, поймите, that you don't owe anyone anything, ни работе, nor to the bosses, not to relatives. Actually, the main thing is your confidence in the matter, которое вы делаете. You don't need to lure everyone over to your side., you can just enlist the support of one influential person. Freeing your mind from stereotypes, imposed by society, you will be able to think more constructively and be more confident in your abilities.
  4. Brave people are not the same, who do not feel fear, but these are, who go on despite their fear. Во многих ситуациях мы чувствуем огромный стресс. Or we are under pressure from the public, например если делаете не свойственный для других волевой поступок. However, you can give in to this pressure, can you go further. Learn to relax during stressful situations. This can be done mentally., simulating the most terrible situation for you and trying to solve all the problems without stress. So over and over again your reaction will become more relaxed..
  5. The latest technique for dealing with the fear of responsibility is to completely immerse yourself in this fear.. Если вы боитесь откровенного разговора с директором, talk to him and come what may. If you have a fear of public speaking, then take that, what you have been working on for a long time and arrange a press conference. Dive into your fear until then, until you feel comfortable.
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