25 rubles per dollar

I suppose that the ruble will strengthen for a very long time and tediously and will reach not only 32, but also 25 rubles per dollar, and possibly 20. Immediately foresee a question — and how much then oil will have to cost? Yes, not at all, as much as now, maybe less. IN 2003-2005 yy oil was below today's price (from 30 to 50), but this did not prevent the strengthening of the ruble from 32 to 24. And what has changed since that time? Nothing, all the same. Quite the opposite, everything is stabilizing, shops are overcrowded, enterprises are developing, economic growth is expected. And the low exchange rate of the ruble is unprofitable for Western countries, because who needs competitors with dumping prices. You also need to remember that the ruble fell in panic.. The panic is long over, and the ruble exchange rate is still low. There can be no dollar salary and pension in Russia is the same as in Uganda, simply because the Russian economy is either in the first, whether in the second ten of the world. That's why, the ruble exchange rate will return to previous stable levels 25-32 and no amount of central bank intervention can prevent it from strengthening. :)

This, certainly, bad for those, who trades America and lives in Russia. To make a profit in rubles in the coming years, will have to try very hard.

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