24 amazing facts about traders

  1. 80% intraday traders stop trading within the first two years.
  2. Among these traders, almost 40% trade daily for just one month. Continue to trade for three years only 13%. In five years, only 7%.
  3. Intraday traders sell profitable stocks at rates of 50% above, than unprofitable. Profitable shares account for 60% selling, for unprofitable - 40%.
  4. The profit of the average individual investor lags behind the market index by 1,5% in year. Active traders lag behind the index by 6,5% in year.
  5. Intraday traders, have had good results in the past, continue to make profit in the future. At the same time, only about 1% intraday traders are able to achieve predictable profits minus fees.
  6. Traders with 10 years of loss history continue to trade. It turns out, that they continue to operate in the market even after, how they get a negative assessment of their abilities.
  7. Only 1,6% intraday traders remain in profit on average for the year. However, they are very active - they account for 12% daily trading activity.
  8. Traders, profit-making, increase the volume of trade more, than day traders, losing.
  9. Poor people, usually, spend a large proportion of their income on participating in lotteries, and their demand for lottery tickets grows as their income decreases.
  10. Those investors, whose current financial situation is significantly different from the level of their claims, buy stocks with a higher level of risk.
  11. Men trade more, than women, and unmarried men trade more, than married men.
  12. Poor young men, who live in cities and belong to certain minority groups, invest more in stocks, lottery-like.
  13. People, prone to gambling, earn less, than non-gambling, moreover, this pattern is true for people with any income.
  14. Investors tend to sell profitable stocks and keep unprofitable ones in portfolios.
  15. Exchange trading volume in Taiwan fell by about 25% after the permission of lotteries in April 2002 of the year.
  16. During those periods, when lottery winnings are unusually high, individual trade is shrinking.
  17. Investors are more likely to buy stocks again, which they previously sold at a profit, than those, which they sold at a loss.
  18. An increase in the frequency of searches for the name of a particular instrument means an increase in profits for it over the next two weeks..
  19. Individual investors trade more actively, if their last deals were successful.
  20. Traders don't learn to trade. For an individual investor, an attempt to learn something already in the process of real trading is no more rational and profitable act., than playing roulette.
  21. Average intraday trader loses money by a significant margin after accounting for transaction costs.
  22. In Taiwan, the losses of individual investors are about 2% GDP.
  23. Investors hold too many stocks in companies from that industry, in which they work.
  24. High IQ traders tend to invest more in mutual funds and a wider range of stocks. Therefore, they earn more through diversification..
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A source: Tradeciety

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