2 of the year on the New York Stock Exchange

2 года на Нью-Йоркской фондовой бирже

Smooth 2 years ago I made my first trade on the New York Stock Exchange , but then I was unlucky and the first day in my trading career closed with a minus 8-)

The very first year on the stock exchange is the most difficult, most people, having not earned money, light up and understand that they have to work, so that the day, close month and year in positive territory, you need to work VERY hard and improve yourself. Most are leaving here, I prefer stable and monotonous work, why fight with your complexes, if you can work for “Дядю” and doing what he says risk his money.

Further, it is easier to know where you got to and purposefully, day after day, you go towards your goal., improve myself and overcome fears and new mistakes.

On the first day of my work, I set myself a clear goal for the year and was able to complete it in a little more than a year., but the goal for the next year could not be fulfilled yet, I will be happy if I reach her before summer.

Overall, I should be happy with my results., but no, I can do more and everything depends only on me. In the new year, you need to work harder and not retreat .

I wish everyone to stay on the stock exchange longer than me and earn several times more.

Good luck everyone !!!

  Notes 10 august
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