19-i week

The results of my recommendations on my-trade.pro.
19-i week:

so. Nothing supernatural happened. Report delayed because it was busy over the weekend, and later I just didn't give a fuck)
However, because of this, a frantic butthert began among the masses.))
Should disappoint you – everything was in vain and the 19th week is just as boring, как и многие другие.

I have not actually made a single very losing trade..
Evra and Australian were closed by breakeven.
Ena almost breakeven (- 60$ of the lot)

Sobsno everything.
All loss – this is the uncovered negative variation margin on natural gas.
I am not ready to recognize it as a losing trade, because. still sure that she will bring me huge profits and in theory it should not be covered by the end of the year.

Why then did I fly away from TOP'a WCC??? On that account, I just exceeded the risk on the gas, только и всего. It was my only mistake.
The pose in the broadcast is balanced and I still hold it..


Nothing more interesting.


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