1. Warren Buffett, guru investor, condition is assessed in $39 billion: “Price – this is what, what do you pay. The cost – this is what, what you get. Irrelevant, are we talking about stocks or socks, I prefer to buy a quality product at that moment, when he is underestimated”.

2. George Soros, condition – $22 billion: “I'm rich just because, what do I know, when wrong. Simply put, I managed to survive thanks to my ability to admit my own mistakes”.

3. David Rubenstein, condition is assessed in $2,8 billion: “Persevere – don't choose “No” as an answer. If you are happy, sitting in one place and not taking risks, you will stay in the same place for the next 20 years”.

4. Ray Dalio, condition – $6,5 billion: “It is the desire to objectively assess themselves and those around them that most distinguishes people, using their potential, from everyone else”.

5. Eddie Lampert, condition – $3 billion: “The idea of ​​apprehension is key when investing, as well as in business in general. You can't wait, until the situation becomes clear. You need to think – here's what others have done under certain circumstances. Tepe R, under new circumstances, should realize, what to do next?”

6. T. Good Pickens, condition – $1,4 billion: “The older I get, the better I can see, where to go. If you are going to hunt elephants, don't go astray for the rabbits. ".

7. Charlie Munger, condition – $1 billion: “If you look at our latest 15 Solutions, you will see rather mediocre achievements. There was no hyperactivity, but a sea of ​​patience becomes visible. You should stick to your principles and capabilities., and when the chance arises, try to make the most of it ”.

  Execution of orders at the opening of the session.

8. David Tepper, clean state – $5 billion: “This company looks cheap, that company looks cheap, but the economy completely completely changes the essence of the matter. The main thing here – wait it. Sometimes the hardest – it's just doing nothing ”.

9. Benjamin Graham: “The individual investor must act consistently as an investor and inconsistently as a speculator. It means, that he should be able to fairly judge his every purchase and that price, which pays. Assessment must be objective, Justified, and its result should answer the question – will the investor get more, what did you pay”.

10. Lewis Bacon, clean state $1,4 billion: “If you are a speculator, then you have to accept the chaos and chaos”.

11. Paul Tudor Jones, clean state $3,2 billion: “Most importantly – keep the situation under control, never guess, always trade and defend your rear. As a result, size no longer matters.”.

12. Bruce Kovner, clean state $4,3 billion: ”I suppose, what novice traders trade in 3-5 times more, than you need. Beginners take risks in 5-10% then, when the percentage should be only 1-2% ”.

13. Rene Rivkin, clean state $346 million: “When you buy stock, ask yourself, would you buy the whole company?”

14. Peter Lynch, clean state $352 million: "I think, what is the main thing – realize it, that there is a company behind each share, and there is only one real reason behind the rise in the value of each share. Companies' business conditions change from worse to better, and small companies become big ”.

15. John Templeton, clean state $20 billion: “The time of maximum pessimism is best for shopping. The time of maximum optimism is best for sales ”.

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