10 life rules, to keep in mind in times of trouble

We all go through hard times. This is life, and there's nothing you can do about it. Some people's lives are harder, than others, but we all feel pain sometimes, loss and misfortune. But, no matter what happens, do not forget about some things.

A family, friends, the senses, responsibilities - it all stays with you, whatever happens. We decided to expand this list, and so 10 rules, which you should always remember.


Pain is part of life, she helps to grow

Certainly, we want to always walk along the white stripe. Но такого не бывает, likewise, how not to happen and that, that love will always bring only happiness. But what you always have at your disposal is a choice, how to react to pain. Look for something good in every situation and remember, that you have someone to rely on. And in spite of everything, remember, that there are worse situations.

Life is pain. The one, who speaks differently, trying to sell you something. William Goldman

Thinking and correct attitude to the problem is already half of the solution.

For many, success does not come from incredible intelligence and genius.. Всё проще: the right attitude and effort is something, which will lead you to a happy ending. See what's going on from the right side. And you remember, that the problem only exists then, when you think, that she exists.

Positive thinking creates more miracles, than any other drug. Patricia Neil

Sometimes your biggest fears are just illusions

More often than not, we are afraid of the unknown.. We don't know yet, will something good or bad happen, but we set ourselves up for bad. Fight your fear and stop being afraid of it, what is not. You no longer 10 years, and there is no monster in your closet.

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Problems can be turned into opportunities

More and more often I start to think about, that experience is more important to success. That's why, when a problem comes your way, you have two ways out: become a victim and submit to a problem, or fight depression and failure and emerge victorious. Решайте, кем вы хотите быть.

You will not be able to solve the problem, if you don’t take a little responsibility

How we love to blame others. But again, вам не 10 years, and complaining about the people around you is simply ugly. That's why, if you are still going to solve the problem, you have to take on a little responsibility, and as a consequence, and risk.

But risk is something, what is behind any successful business. The risky, and even if you're wrong, you will get invaluable experience. A win-win situation!

All, what do we have, - it is now

I recommend you read interview with Alexey Korovin, which perfectly reveals the theme of, how much we are fixated on our past and future and on, which in reality does not exist. Dreaming is not so bad. But don't turn your dreams into an excuse, that you are not doing anything right now. Besides this "now" there is nothing else..

There is always something, what you can be grateful for

Of life, семье, близким, to a casual passer-by, кому угодно. If you have a roof over your head, food and health, it's not so bad anymore. You don't need to be a supermodel or a millionaire to, to be happy. Happiness is not in this, and there is always someone in the world, whose life is better, than yours.

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But there are also many people in the world, who live much worse. So look at that, что у вас есть, and do not strive for that, what you don't have.

Success doesn't come overnight

Furthermore, it comes far not so fast, as we would like. Real success comes slowly. And confidently. But only if, if you constantly make an effort to do this. Continue your journey this way, and you can't go wrong.

Patience, perseverance and hard work are three things, which make up an absolute combination of success. Napoleon Hill

Don't expect others to praise. Evaluate yourself and your work yourself

People, who expect praise from others, do not cause anything, except pity. This only indicates that, that a person is not so sure of himself, what needs someone, who will tell him, that it is not. Work on self-confidence. Be your biggest fan and love yourself.

I don't love myself. I'm going crazy on my own. Mae West

Вы не один

And never forget about it. But if it turned out like this, that you have no support, go to the internet. Forums, similar interests, social networks. There are many lonely people in the world, who also need advice. Найдите их, if you need support.

Life is hard. But instead, to get depressed and feel sorry for yourself and others, поймите, that some situations make you stronger, and do it. Get Stronger.

How to get through tough times? Do you have any tips or examples from life?

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