10 of things, which a beginner trader should know

If you are going to trade the market, it is important to have comprehensive information, which will allow you to make an informed decision. It's complicated, but an interesting market segment, And, since it does not suit everyone, need to understand, what you're going for — and either change your mind, or strengthen your decision. so, what is important for a novice trader to know?

1. You won't become a millionaire in a year

And even in three years. Not worth going in this direction, if you want to get rich quickly , it's unrealistic. Firstly, too many factors affect the situation, That trader can't control.

Secondly, traders, who come to the market for easy earnings, tend to make mistakes and fall into traps, which means, lose more, how to earn.

If you are serious about your career as a trader, then you have to understand, how does this market work, and it takes hard work, patience and discipline. Any, who tells you otherwise, trying to sell you something.

2. It's more about the process, than “about the result

" Cm. above. If you want to make a career in this market, don't think about the result, and about the process. Your system should be designed for a long journey. This allows you to maintain balance even in case of failures., which will definitely be, and in a period of success, when you can lose your head.. It will require you to develop in a certain direction., And, thanks to these new qualities, you will have a better chance of making a profit.

3. You will have to keep learning - always

You can't become a master here once and for all. The financial world is constantly changing, and with it the rules of trading in the market. If you are not ready to constantly be interested in everything new and test your knowledge, you will find it difficult to count on a steady income. A trader needs to be able to perceive new things.

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4. Don't make it hard for yourself.

A number of tools are available to the trader, упро­ща­ю­щих тор­гов­лю. Find them and learn how to use them. Trading is not difficult, but, if you do this manually or using outdated methods, you put sticks in your own wheels.

5. To make money, need money

Most experts don't tell you about losses, meanwhile, in this market you will have to lose, and good if not more often, than to win. AND, if you are not prepared for losses, it will be difficult for you. It's not just about the financial effect of losing money., but also in emotions. Мно­гие трей­де­ры, пе­ре­жи­вая про­иг­рыш, become depressed or get an anxiety disorder. Че­ло­век, who wants to make a stable profit in forex, must be prepared for permanent defeats.

6. Constant struggle and knowledge testing

Тор­гов­ля нарын­ке под­ра­зу­ме­ва­ет, that you learn all the time. You will learn something new, then you check in practice, and then you check again and again. It's like a scientific paper., only each discovery is reflected in profits. If you love to learn and like to test your hypotheses with experiments, you have the right mindset.

7. Always alone

Most people need a team for motivation and discipline.. But a real trader is not like that.. It's the Lone Wolf, who spends many hours, improving your skills. It is very important to have these qualities, because your only boss is the market, and only indications, that he gives you, these are profit and loss figures. No one will help you start a career as a trader, no one will review and comment on your plans and strategies. It's only your responsibility. So that, if you need a permanent guiding hand or boss, воз­мож­но, it's not for you.

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8. Don't be afraid of failure

Important care, that losing money in this market is not a tragedy, and the norm of life, по­это­му, if you tend to consider any loss a disaster, you won't stay there. Any trader goes through a period of losses. It is important to focus on the experience and continue to develop., otherwise, the fear of failure will prevent you from reaching profits.

9. Emotional stability

If you are an anxious person, по­ду­май­те три­жды, before you get into it. Trading in the market is an emotionally costly business, and traders, which come to consistent incomes, first of all, they learn to manage their emotions. And even very calm people have to learn this.. Methods can be any: ме­ди­та­ция, yoga, exercises for visualization of images - if only it helps to calmly endure and take offs, and Falls.

10. By itself

To make constant profits, you need to become better than others in some way. To understand, what is your advantage, you need to think outside the box, do not follow the crowd and consider the features of your personality as assets. На­при­мер, воз­мож­но, your "trick" is the ability to focus on the goal and go to it, without distraction. But anyway., to understand and use it, you don't have to look back at others and run after the crowd.



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