1 year and 24-36th week

The results of my recommendations on my-trade.pro.
1 year and 24-36th week

Report for 13 weeks)). Hardly mastered it, confused where, when and what was)). Longer 1-2 weeks with the report I will try not to delay any more.
Despite the indistinct dynamics for this period on the MPI chart, I can say quite honestly:
“in the absolute bubble, I earned the largest profit for any similar period of my trading on CME.”
Well, simply – I slashed the babosov robustly)).
I just caught a series of profitable trades with a very good volume. Not all transactions are on the screens, because. I didn't send everything during the New Year holidays.
I don't want to say anything special, just threw out what is in my head. I didn't draw any conclusions either.


And according to Eurobonds, elk 650 euros (739$). Screen too lazy to search.


Results of the remaining weeks on


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