Fool's Day

Market opened in the red and on OPG решил продавать RITZ. They didn't really go, but I cut a little money.
Intraday :
Thought the market 5 день стоять будет и поэтому решил понаблюдать в сторонке, in the end I did not trade anything.
Everything was like yesterday, Left buy , but everything started to fail. Sold Ritz and Finance, in front of the only pharmacy, on which I closed in minus basketball, после чего все пошло ниже, classic :)

Results: Day finished flat, and could do of money. I started to limp discipline And concentration attention на трейдинге. You need to pull yourself together and strictly follow your rules., very many errors were found at the end of March. From tomorrow, from opening until lunchtime, I will not be distracted, just me and shares. I don't trade strictly at lunch. After lunch again 1 on 1 with graphs. It's time to start making big money, and not waste time on nonsense.

  US stock market news - NYSE, NASDAQ on 23.06.2017
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