poker 2

played at least 20 hours over the weekend.
the best result of all tournaments so far was sit-n-go 3 place from 90.
understood, that for the advantage you need to roll several tables at once. comfortable number for me – for now 3 tournament at the same time. from the tournaments of many thousands they take out quickly, and with s-n-g better things.
understood, what you need to add aggressiveness.
although it doesn't matter – так забавно, that when several players are all-in, maybe the advantage is initially in the stronger hand, but in the end it turns out a roulette and everything is decided by chance))

actually, here are all my tournament results:

for your first solid poker experience, how to evaluate these results? on a 10-point scale if)

By the way, почему-то в pokerstars’e не нашел с-н-г турнира на 180 people with buyin in $1, strange.

  There are those who wish?
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