8 topical advice to the trader

1) Don't trade while on tilt

Don't even think about it. No matter how upset you are with the cons , as soon as you feel tilt, close the terminal immediately.
Nothing has such a detrimental effect on your deposit, like tilt.
After trading a whole week, it won't be fun for you to lose all this result in a few trades on tilt. Or force yourself to close the terminal, or you can not count on the withdrawal of money.

2) Trade with risk management

Despite, that risk management advice is incredibly simple, sometimes it seems, that many traders try to find any excuse, not to follow these rules.
Before diving into strategy, learn to manage your money.
If you are trading beyond your capabilities, even the best strategy won't help you win money all the time.

3) Choose the best stock

Why did you choose this particular promotion?? If you have objective reasons for this, or you just think that she will go?
Be smarter. Try as selectively as possible. Your career, first of all, it depends on you, so look for the best environment for you.

Don't get stuck in a bad stock just because, that you are fixated on one idea. Always look for the best for yourself.

4) Stop clicking buttons and start thinking

We all trade on autopilot from time to time, especially. Nevertheless, nothing increases the minus on the account so much, like trading on autopilot.
Ask yourself a question: Why do I trade like that?
If you cannot confidently justify an action, you should reconsider your approach to trading. The more you turn your head on, the more money you make.

5) Hone your skills

Constantly honing skills is best for developing thinking.
The more you exercise, the more confident you become in your abilities. The more confident you are, the better your trade becomes.
If you don't even try to keep yourself in shape, your mind, Sooner or later, deplete, from which your deposit will certainly suffer.

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6) Take breaks

There is nothing wrong with the breaks. Nevertheless, force oneself to trade, when you don't want it, not good at all.
Take short breaks, when you feel a tilt coming or, when you've lost too much money, to continue to feel confident and continue to trade.
Take long breaks, when you are experiencing an unprecedented drain and it is simply impossible to make money.
Breaks are vital, to keep your interest in trading. One of the main advantages of trading, therein, that you always have a choice. You can trade as much, as much as you wish. That's why, don't force yourself to trade then, when you don't want it.

7) Don't force yourself to trade in a certain way

If you feel uncomfortable, trading in a certain style, it does not mean, that he should be unprofitable for you at a distance.
There is nothing wrong with, to get out of your comfort zone and try something new or get used to an unfamiliar strategy, but you don't have to constantly force yourself to repeat doing this, what did you see on the forums or in video.
Never force yourself to trade in a certain way. There is nothing wrong with careful trading, if you are new.

8) Stop reading, it's time to trade

Of all, who read these tips, 90% will not learn anything and will not improve their trading. And this is the truth of life, people prefer to read and plan more, rather than go ahead and do something.
Actually, there is a lot of information on the internet, which will help you become a successful trader and make good money.
Average traders will read this article and close it.. The winners will remember each piece of advice and will do their best to, to make money, not missing any opportunity.

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