Russia beware !

ммвбAnd here’s a little surprise for my readers. Next week I start to trade on the equity market. In the meantime, with the shares on the MICEX Lukoil and Gazprom. Let’s see what happens.

  • While there are a few questions:
  • How often do occur technical issues
  • What are the time intervals for trade: the most active time of trade, lunch.
  • What tactics are better in the day: scalp or trade trends.
  • How much money to move the action.
  • In a terminal, best looking graphics
  • Who of my friends are actively selling and earning within days
  • I heard there is a small commission and it does not even pay attention
  • Does the system here 3x screens
  • Fundamental or technical analysis here prevails

What advice will give the beginner than the Russian market differs from the U.S.?

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