St. Petersburg Stock Exchange has summed up the results of trading in foreign shares in October. Here's how key operating numbers have changed since September: volume of transactions - 31 billion dollars (+15,3%); number of client accounts — 16 million (+8,5%); number of unique clients — 11 million (+8,9%); number of active accounts - 845 thousand (+2,4%). In October, investors traded shares and depositary receipts of 1,626 foreign companies. Here are the most popular ones. Tesla. 21 October, the auto company reported record revenue and profit for the quarter. Revenue was $ 13.8 billion (+57%), net profit — $1.6 billion (+389%). The company has collected 238 thousand cars (+64%), and sold - 241 thousand (+73%). 25 October car rental company Hertz announced the purchase of 100,000 Tesla electric cars worth $ 4.2 billion. After that, Tesla shares rose by 13%, from 910 to 1025 $, and capitalization exceeded a trillion dollars. In total, in October, the company's shares rose by 56%, from 775 to 1208 $. Already in November, Tesla CEO Elon Musk said, that Hertz hurried with the announcement: "The contract has not yet been signed. Demand for Tesla exceeds supply, so we will supply our vehicles to Hertz at the same price, as ordinary buyers". Probably, the parties are still discussing the details and timing of the deal. Alibaba. 4 October, Alibaba share price fell to 140 $ - the minimum for the last three years. Stocks started to fall a year ago, when the Chinese authorities called the company a monopoly. The government later issued a $2.8 billion fine to Alibaba.. So during the year, the company's shares fell by about 50%. In 2021, China interfered with other companies like DiDi, TAL и Tencent. All this had a negative impact on stocks., including Alibaba. So, индекс Nasdaq …
Tesla Stock, Alibaba and Facebook are the most popular among Russian investors Read more