hurry up! It's time to make money!

What to say… There are many dreamers among traders. I'm like that myself.

Always thinking about, what will be better tomorrow, than today.

Belief in it lets you hold out a little longer, a little bit more… And it slightly translates into months and years of treading water, becomes a habit.

Enough to dream!

We came to forex, в интернет Trading for that, чтобы зарабатывать, is not it so?!

And what do they offer us? Old proven TA methods (technical analysis) and FA (фундаментального анализа) — tabloid books of tabloid authors, the whole method of which is aimed at, to fill the ranks of sheep with readers, которых можно стричь, taking away funds and hope.

Very sorry! Pity 6 years spent on that, to grasp the simple truth — then, what is offered to internet traders — does not work. Or rather, does not work in your favor.

And worst of all, that incorrect information ingrained in flesh and blood is practically incurable.

Do i think, that TA and FA methods do not work? Yes, я так считаю. Support / resistance levels, elliot waves, свечные паттерны, indicator readings, теория Ганна… It's all rubbish, relying on which a trader sells his brains and common sense for a song.

Not surprising, that newbies are much «more lucky», than the old-timers of trading. After all, beginners are still not so bad with their heads =)

Maybe, что Вы, reading this post, have your own experience in trading and can confirm my words. Вас, как и меня, tormented by the question — why does it work like that, why 95% traders lose money? Что не так?

The fact, that everything is just SO, HOW TO.

Trading — this is a platform for the withdrawal of capital from the gullible, but ambitious simpletons.

And my own research led to, what i have to admit — urgently need to get rid of garbage, which is sold under the guise of training courses and seminars, under the guise of contests and success stories. Despite all the reasonableness of the teachers, who talk about MM and RM, on the suppression of losses, жесткой дисциплине, on a subtle plane, it looks like nothing more than cheese in a mousetrap. The mouse is already in the cage, she doesn't guess, what is doomed.

We need to get rid of debris and remove obstacles on the way, which prevent you from making money on Forex. This can and should be done, if you don't want to waste years. To become a professional — no need to trade and get bumps for years. Все проще. It's just another mind trap. Another deception.


Wealth is near, just reach out your hand, but a person is easy to fool, confess, man himself is glad to fool himself. But this is not our way right? Let's live a real life and set realistic goals. The world is beautiful and huge — do not lock yourself in cramped apartments, sitting in red panties in front of the monitor with graphs. We'll take a different path.


I hope, that in the near future there will be changes in your life. Positive changes. You will stop losing and start earning, because you will stop making those mistakes, who did unknowingly, succumbing to the programs embedded in the subconscious.

No matter — experienced you are a trader or a beginner. There are no tricky schemes here, everything is simple. Making money on Forex is no more difficult, than take revenge on the street. Here are just incomes and prospects from Internet trading hundreds and thousands of times higher..

Take action now! Tomorrow will be the same, like yesterday, if you perform the same actions, which lead to the same errors.

This is all the more relevant, если Вы не знаете:

– their motives

– do not understand imposed stereotypes and subconscious programs

– are mistaken in the initial prerequisites for making trading decisions

– do not control the situation

– make bad decisions based on false information, которую Вам «скормили»

Но есть и другой путь. You can already a month later! get profit on your account, even if you are a beginner! Even if before that you did not succeed. No abstruse theory and stupid concepts. For this I offer you my experience, their developments, own knowledge.

Nobody taught me this. I went through everything on my mistakes, on your money. It took me a lot of time and effort, to understand in practice, where the error crept in, leading to unpleasant losses.

But you can't drink experience, as they say. Certainly, I am constantly learning and continue to work on myself, but this process is endless, he has no finish line, and that's great! I got it, what and how to do, to make money consistently and avoid the pitfalls of subconscious programs.

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At the moment I am typing 10, only ten! human, with whom I will deal with via skype for a month, sharing your experience in internet trading. classes will be held twice a week. In a month you will be ready to trade profitably. And it's not a joke.

Confess, I do not want to gather a large group of people, education будет проходить индивидуально и тем интересней — will work closely with those people, who really want to learn something. Who understand — how does it feel — find the truth and get to the bottom of the heap of information, большинство которой — nonsense and inventions of theorists.

Подумать только — spend years researching and get away with nothing, how it happens with my old friends and colleagues. Wasted money and time.

You can not do it this way!

If you have already come to forex, stay here and earn! Don't jump back and forth, don't look for another placebo in the form of an indicator or a trading system.

Just think, turn on your head and watch the market.

I have spent on trading for 6 years more 10 000 hours. I ate in front of the monitor and slept, putting a laptop with graphs on the screen on the bedside table. And I have to admit — it would be superfluous, if there was someone, gave initially concise and understandable information, what do I have now.

What will happen during and after training?

You will receive my concise and concentrated Forex experience, теорию и практику, chips and traps. This information is not available in Yandex or on traders' forums.

You will stop losing money.

Deal with your goals and imposed beliefs. Learn to make exactly that much money, as much as you want.

Only you will decide, how much time and effort to spend on work.

You will finally become a financially independent person.

You will change your life, making her just like that, о какой Вы мечтали.

But only on condition, that you will carry out all my tasks.

Just stop living in hopes of a better tomorrow, otherwise you will die of old age without having met him.

What will happen in the learning process?

Beginners will know everything, what is needed for trading from a technical and theoretical point of view, advanced will be able to skip this step.

Next, we explore the world of beliefs and fantasies., which was formed for all of us under the influence of well-presented information.

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Let's clear our mind and brain, justice without hypnosis and NLP. I am not very good at these techniques.. Common sense and ability to discern the problem — all, what is needed for cleaning. No esotericism and manipulation of consciousness.

This is your chance! Don't miss it.

Have to work, break your head, think and accept that, what will i say, no matter how offensive it looks. Certainly, not everyone can buy my consulting, since my time is limited — only the nimble ones will be in the top five. But about the prices a little later..

What amounts are we talking about?

Here is an example of my work in two days. Launch depot — 1000 ye.

For those, who doubts himself and again puts his bright future on the back burner.

Do you think, what you can't do?
Excluded. Everything, who will pass about me, learn to trade. If you do not understand something, we will work until then, until the information is absorbed.

Do you think, that income will be less, than you expect?
This is only possible if, if you are not in the mood for serious work. Start trading with 10 dollars and the desire to make a million of them in a month or two is not worth it. Look for a high paying job, develop and trade with significant capital from 1000-5000 and higher.

Course price

Very modest. Honestly.

This is the cost of a good smartphone. Or laptop. Or weeks of rest in Turkey.

I offer my one-to-one tuition for 2000 ye!

Training will be held twice a week via Skype: practical lessons, real trade, real results.


I give you one, but the most important guarantee is the money back. If after a month you will not be able to withdraw profit from your account, I promise to return the entire amount back at your first request.

I'm just sure of the result.

Warranty is valid, if you followed all my recommendations, completed all homework, but were at a loss.

Terms of order

You can pay for the course through WebMoney, first writing to me by email admin (dog) or in skype wearbo

Total 10 people will go to training, поторопитесь!

I wish you success, friends!

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