At the moment, more than ever, owners of foreign accounts and recipients of income abroad Russia is concerned about the issue, but it is worth providing information to the tax authorities about the presence of these very accounts and income? Or you can keep silent, save on tax, and no one will find out anything? Tell about your own foreign account or save on tax? so, little about tax.. Let's start with combinations of dates and events. As almost everyone already understands, with 1 July 2015 the Russian Federation acceded to the OECD Collective Convention (Organization of financial cooperation and development) and the Council of Europe on mutual administrative support in tax matters. As a result, the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation already has the ability to send tax requests to more than 90 states and jurisdictions, including offshore zones. IN 2017 year, a system common for all states was put into operation for the mutual exchange of data on foreign accounts, property and assets of foreign tax residents to the tax authorities of states, of which they are residents. Let's emphasize, that a foreign citizen can also be a tax resident. For this purpose, it is enough for him to be on the territory of the Russian Federation from 183 days per calendar year. The Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation connected to the previously mentioned system in 2018 year and began to receive the indicated information at that time to a greater extent from offshore zones in an electronic systematized form. BUT …
Tell about your own foreign account or save on tax? Read more