scalping? h.2 :)

bye amers weekend, I will philosophize a little more… based on different people's opinions.

what is scalping good for?
stupidly sat down at the computer – earned.
no sitting in a pose for half an hour, half a day or half a week: how many hatched – earned so much. set a goal to fill a certain amount daily – move to her, don't take your butt off until you get there.

why scalping is bad?
he does not develop. does not develop a trader as an expert in a person, because there is no analysis at all, which is inherent in intraday, swingers. because, that the scalper should be more like a boy scout, than an analyst. hardy in some way.

и далее – what are the prospects for scalper evolution?
if with a trader something like this – he starts with an intraday, skill and funds grow, then he switches more to swings, because. the full potential of your deposit can be used outside the intraday, to get the most out of.
and with a scalper what?
why say, that scalping is effective up to certain amounts?

ps: давайте рассматривать применительно к NYSE.

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