Fasting caused by meditation on reading a book on practical psychology…

Probably everyone was visited by a thought, why certain groups of people perceive reality differently, than ourselves. Sometimes this difference in perception is so great, that we refuse to believe, that the other's point of view is a product of their personal beliefs.Этого просто не может быть, we think, he is zombified, глуп, куплен, uneducated, does not have enough experience. Or why someone (or ourselves), beats against the same labyrinth walls for years, although the way out, from the side, seems obvious and simple. Imagine the world in all its variety of development options:
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Picture shown to me, certainly, was much brighter, more alive and multifaceted, but I portrayed it as best I could…

Now our perception. Someone might have this:
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And someone like that:
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In fact, we perceive the world and move through life., through a kind of tunnel, generated by the settings given to us, опытом, образованием, кругозором, psychocards. The width and diffusion zone can be different. If the directions of different people do not touch – they are unlikely to find a common language. If there is an intersection of zones – a common language on a number of topics can be found (say, people can belong to the same profession, or they have the same hobby, but have different political views. Worst of all with fanatics – tunnel narrow, there is almost no diffusion zone. Egregors need such people, mutual feeding is in progress. It doesn't matter, with what sign, for dictatorship or democracy, science or church. Militant web hamsters fall into this category., and adherents of various cults, And… long list, word. On the one side, consumable, with another – жизненно необходимый – without him, egregor will quickly wither away. Interesting, that people with different settings, in life they rarely touch, in the same time, with similar (for example, familiar, fellow countrymen) can meet thousands of kilometers from home, somewhere in the subway. Ways to get out of difficult life situations also occur, using options from the sector, подсвечиваемого "туннелем". It is within our power to move it, or expand, but in practice it is not so easy, as it seems.

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