First day at MICEX (Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange)

Today was the first day I traded on the MICEX (Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange)

At the beginning I sat and understood the terminal in comparison with Blackwood for the USA , the terminal from Alora is very wooden and not convenient, Alpha – the direct is the same. I don’t know how traders in Russia trade on them and even earn money, maybe a matter of habit. It is especially bad that windows cannot be taken out of the program., the menu is not very good. The most that killed, this is an inverted glass )))

You cannot see the movement of the stock for the previous days, I had to look at the MICEX website.

Traded between Gazprom and Lukoil.

Gazprom is not very adequate, Lukoil is smoother and more beautiful.

Out of habit, I opened in the wrong direction a couple of times, averaged instead of covering, not used to the terminal yet.

In the beginning, he began to go into negative territory and lost -0.5% , but at the opening of the United States fought back in +0.1% , although he sent an order to the market and did not give mine +0.4 to the depot )

Let's figure it out further 8-)

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