Watching some systems on Collective.

Подумал я, а почему бы мне тоже не подписаться на получение сигналов систем из Collective. After all, there are good systems there., generating profit for quite a long time. And now, just such a moment, when you can check how these systems behave after a sharp decline in markets — whether they passed this test or not. Additional diversification for trading, I think, not prevent. Main, find such systems, which would be comfortable to trade, so that the signals come in advance, before the opening of trading sessions — to have time to place orders and forget about them until tomorrow. To hold positions for a relatively long time, at least from 2 and more days, and to close predictably — for example, by take profit or at the opening of the next session, so that not just like that, the author of the system was impatient and closed unexpectedly, and the subscriber was resting at this time and did not have time to close, and so that there is an exit plan in advance and it does not catch the subscriber by surprise.

Moreover, the signals are relatively inexpensive.. In addition, you can select systems, which have a low correlation with SP500 and even negative.

You can even create a kind of fund from these systems for greater diversification., pick them up like this, so that the profit curve is flat and growing. I have, By the way, there was a similar attempt in 2007-2008 year — subscribed to about 5-7 system — it went fine at first, but as you know, suddenly there was a crisis, the collapse of markets and systems began to drain, including those, to which I subscribed. It turns out, that I was in a hurry — if a few months later I began to make a fund of systems, I would have seen who withstood the test of the crisis, and who is not, and, accordingly, would subscribe to completely different systems.

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Certainly, impossible to foresee the future and, may be, in the future, the system will start to drain. For this, it is necessary to comprehensively investigate the systems, evaluate its coefficients, see deals on the chart, you can even ask questions to the authors of the systems — they usually answer. And make a decision based on a comprehensive analysis. Basically, you can simply not renew your subscription at any time.

I have chosen several systems here, which I have been watching for a long time:
(to see more, нажимайте на картинку)

Допускаю, that many would prefer a system with a shorter-term position holding, that is, intraday. Especially if they sit at the monitor during sessions and have a guarantee, that signals will not be missed. Я просто, in this case I chose systems for myself, so as not to watch the incoming signals, but know for sure, that during my absence no action will be taken on system activity.
Well, in general, I have not yet decided on this step., but I'm in the process of maturing, especially since I don’t suffer from ambitions and I don’t think that, the systems by which I now trade are better than the above.  So why not take advantage of this circumstance and diversify your business :)

Кто не знает что такое Collective2 — raise your hands.
All in all, this is the most famous place on the internet, where investors and traders from all over the world converge. If you have a profitable system or are trading profitably in an intuitive way, but there is no money to trade for yourself, then just open the account on Collective, trade there for a while so that at least some account history appears and if the equity curve of your account creeps up, subscribers will be drawn to you, and there are immeasurable of them.. You set the price for signals yourself, considering the competition. It is possible in a month, for a quarter or for each profitable trade — there are many options. Think, very profitable business, and then many on forums spam differently, investors are looking for, and investors are all hanging out at Collective. :)


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