Money loves silence...

Hello, friends!

You can often hear the phrase, put in the header.

Let's try to figure it out, why do they say that.

Silence — it is peace and tranquility, concentration and an even state of mind. Understandably, which is very important for a trader. I.e, if a trader tuned to a similar frequency, then he will have money. I can only confirm my experience, what a mood — The most important thing in trading. Psychological state decides. Especially when you are your own boss and decide everything alone.

As opposed to silence — noise. Anxiety, emotionality, disorder, chaos. It is difficult to imagine a stable result in such conditions. It is hardly possible to make good deals, take profit, Make quick, informed decisions during Rio's Carnival. Not the right atmosphere, Wrong energy.

But if we don't go into esoteric spheres and energy, then everything can be explained in terms of psychology and science.

As a matter of fact, trader, who flaunts his trading results and enjoys his trades, like a child — has an inferiority complex. It is important for him to get approval from the outside. Most likely, he didn't get it as a child. That's why such a pathological pattern — Go out of your way, For someone to say — «ABOUT! Well done!».

Bad then, that even if such a thing happened — Man still does not quench his thirst, He needs constant and systematic approval. And he lives and runs, Like a squirrel on a wheel, Revolves, Tries, just to catch the next one «Good job».

And here's the one, who at one time received support and approval from their elders, From the side of loved ones — lacks such a complex. He was supported and praised, He is self-confident. Why Should Anyone Prove Anything? Such a person works calmly, measuredly, Not inclined to show off, Measuring Income, Jobs. He doesn't have such a complex and doesn't understand the motives of those show-offs, that they boast of their results.

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I am convinced, What if a person shows their earnings in front of the public, flaunts some indicators (More often one-time, for example, 10000% profit in a specific trade, 100 000 dollars per month, etc.), then you can safely lose it, that it has no long-term result as a class, For it is the records that he needs, exactly «OH» And «AH» From the viewer's side. Moreover, subconsciously, such a person neglects long-term results in favor of short-term ones. This is a natural result. How do I know this?? It's inherent in me, What to hide ( Try-on )

Astonishing, but on the same Smartlab, a user with some record performance in one-time trades may be at the top, Actively fasting, known, beloved, Just a guru and a sweetie, but with a very weak score at a distance. And an unknown silent man, which does not have a single positive rating, that no one knows, but with a surprisingly stable and beautiful profitability chart.

So let's get back to our sheep. In my opinion, the phrase «Money loves silence» is relevant for that very reason, what «quiet» The trader is devoid of the destructive influence of frustrated feelings of dislike and lack of approval. He can just do his job quietly, without trying to get applause. He doesn't have to be a guru. He doesn't need an army of fans.

Here's the thing. «noisy» The trader is in trouble until then, until he realizes the roots of his problem. He doesn't know, What if you don't get rid of the problem, Failing to Understand Its Roots — then he will never be able to stop this relentless exhausting marathon of collecting likes.

If someone has found signs in themselves «Noisy» trader, If anyone thinks, that it is inherent in him to make up for what he lacked in childhood from his relatives, then I can share my thoughts on this matter.

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You have to come to terms with the fact, that time is gone. Nothing can be fixed in the past. Time can't be rewinded, where mom and dad will hug their son or daughter and whisper sweet words in their ear, stroking her head. Must, You need to forgive yourself and your loved ones. All that's left now — It's a kind of inner complex, that a person carries with him through life. You can leave it at any time and move on with a light heart.

Try to notice motives, that drive you, the next time you're trying to get people's approval. The right motivation will be to do the job well, Meet the profitability plan, Maintain discipline in trading. And the wrong motivation will be to surprise, to please investors or traders, just strangers or loved ones with some outstanding trading results.

As soon as you think about it, To do that, to get approval from the, Imagine yourself on a white trotter — A destructive program is activated.

Everyone deserves happiness and love, Respect and Friendship. You don't have to go out of your way to do it. Just Be Yourself. For some, life gives more, Someone less. Don't be jealous, do not think, that you've been deprived of something, Punished, Underdelivered.

Love Yourself, Be calm, Find silence inside and thank the world for, that it exists and all doors are open for you.

Don't be that, who deprives their children and loved ones of that very approval and love, that you didn't have enough of.

This is not about trading, as such. It's about life. Hug your family, Tell, that you love them, how important they are to you. It's hard and unusual. This is very difficult to overcome — learn to say kind words to people just like that =) Remember, They should not follow your path and perform feats, that you may turn your attention to them and say a kind word…

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Summarizing, I will only mention, that the phrase «Money loves silence» should be redone, because it does not reflect the essence of the issue. In my opinion, it should sound like this: «Money Comes to the Calm, Confident People, who respect themselves, Respect others, have clear financial goals and follow their plan».

Well, so, who can't stop in their applause collection activity — My condolences. It's really a losing race.

ps. I re-read it and decided to add one more thing. In most cases, a trader should also limit the discussion of his financial results with relatives and friends. That is, ideally, the trader just brings a sufficient amount of wages at the end of the month, And the rest of the money is invested in various assets and liabilities. You don't have to report to your wife, Nor in front of friends, Nor in front of relatives. I can't say for sure, that it's fair to everyone, But I came to this conclusion myself.

pps. All in all, I'm making some changes in my life because of the above. I'm remaking plans according to my understanding, Case, relationship. Will it work or not — Time will tell.

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