Премьер-Министр Японии……

By Sachiko Sakamaki and Jonathan Tirone
March 18 (Bloomberg) — Prime Minister Naoto Kan said
Japan’s nuclear crisis remained “very grave” as forecasts
indicated changing winds could start moving radiation closer to
Tokyo by the end of the weekend
Tokyo Electric Power Co. said it may finish reconnecting a
power line to the No. 1 and No. 2 reactors by tomorrow morning.
The electrical link would be used to restart pumps needed to
protect fuel rods from overheating. However, it’s possible the
water pumps, damaged in the tsunami, might not work even with
power, a Tepco official said.

If the power cable can be linked successfully, power may be
restored to reactors 3 and 4 on Sunday, Tokyo Electric spokesman
Kaoru Yoshida said in a briefing to reporters. Still, there is a
potential risk of an explosion if the power is reconnected to
the reactor, Japan’s Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency said.
The agency didn’t provide details.

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