Default on Reality

Что это?

It is demonstrated that the US economy has on the long-term in reality been governed by the Keynesian approach to economics independent of the current official economical policy. This is done by calculating the two-point correlation function between the fluctuations of the DJIA and the US public debt.

Сие отсельдова. Можно наткнуться в ZH.

Да, и для пущей серьезности, аргументация была представлена графически.

The principal evidence offered in support of the author's conclusions is the following chart, showing that both the value of the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) and the amount of public debt have increased logarithmically since the late 18th century. And since correlation implies causation, the rise of the DJIA must be due to the increasing public debt.

Это просто адъ. Белка в ярости.

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