Один из самых успешныx трейдеров of all times

В те времена еще не было электронного трейдинга и было сложнее отслеживать рынок. Рекомендую посмотреть увлекательное видео, вернее реальные съемки одного из самых успешных трейдеров на фьчерсных рынках, что сложно уже само по себе, у  моего френда leon5555.livejournal.com/143891.html

Paul Tudor Jones

Его философия трейдинга близка к моей и поэтому я и пытаюсь находить переломные точки, что достигается прогнозированием. И если кто то считает, что прогнозирование пустое занятие, то пусть остаются при своем мнении, а я считаю по другому.
Вот что говорит Википедия о его стиле.
Trading style and beliefs

As reported in Market Wizards, Jones futures trading style and beliefs are summarized as follows [8]:
Contrarian attempt to buy and sell turning points. Keeps trying the single trade idea until he changes his mind, fundamentally. Otherwise, he keeps cutting his position size down. Then he trades the smallest amount when his trading is at its worst.
Considers himself as a premier market opportunist. When he develops an idea he pursues it from a very-low-risk standpoint until he has been proven wrong repeatedly, or until he changes his viewpoint.
Swing trader, the best money is made at the market turns. Has missed a lot of meat in the middle, but catches a lot of tops and bottoms.
Spends his day making himself happy and relaxed. Gets out if a losing position is making him uncomfortable. Nothing’s better than a fresh start. Key is to play great defense, not great offense.
Never average losers. Decreases his trading size when he is doing poorly, increase when he is trading well.
He has mental stops. If it hits that number, he is out no matter what. He uses not only price stops, but time stops.
Monitors the whole portfolio equity (risk) in realtime.
He believes prices move first and fundamentals come second.
He doesn’t care about mistakes made 3 seconds ago, but what he is going to do from the next moment on.
Don’t be a hero. Don’t have an ego. Always question yourself and your ability. Don’t ever feel that you are very good. The second you do, you are dead

  CNN vs NYT

Тогда были такие терминалы,Quotron, я еще их застал и они примерно исчезли в 1996-1997г

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