Не я один такого мнения.

Вот и администрация сервиса дает хорошую оценку торговым сигналам трейдера, о котором я упоминал http://maxim-pr.livejournal.com/160823.html

Some of them can be proud of excellent profit, but the other can boast of incredible stability level and risk-management, just like Muney. His trading signals are selling like hot cakes, because he has no losing months at all throughout the performance on our service. And at the same time the account growth of 45% in 26 weeks is really impressive result, if we take into consideration the fact, that maximum drawdown for this time counts only 6.6%. Don’t lose your chance to have follow such stable signals!

Будь я инвестором – вложился бы в подобную стратегию, а не в 1000% с просадкой в 60-70%.
Впрочем, suum cuique.

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