MQL комьюнити

Блин, прикольная оказывается тусовка у метатрейдерцев. Мой информер был переведён и выложен в англо-варианте, видимо с этим была связана задержка публикации.

Чертовски приятно читать такие коменты:

«Thanks Informer…!

Excellent little tool – It will be very helpful to me! I put it in my Top 10 tool kit immediately!

I’ve been doing lots of demo accounts and 100’s of tests, and I was
spending LOTS and LOTS of time just going back trying to find the
trades, then drawing the trade lines by hand before I can
review/analyze the trades…

This little tool will make it much easier to track my trades and save me so much time!

Thanks so much and God Bless you in all your endeavors!


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