Кто бы мог подумать!

Ай да молодцы! :)

SEC визуальная аналитика

nearly 100 percent of all orders are either canceled or result in a trade within 10 minutes of being placed;
more than one-third of all orders stay in force for at least five seconds, and over 60 percent of all orders that are canceled are in force for more than half of one second;
no more than one-quarter of all cancellations occur in less than 50 milliseconds, and less than eight percent of all cancellations are faster than 500 microseconds.

order cancellations—for every thousand shares that get posted, how many get canceled? Berman counted all the orders and showed what percentage resulted in trades—roughly three percent actually get traded, 97 percent get canceled. He didn’t comment on whether this was good or bad but said the SEC at least has a baseline to study the overall market and see if it changes.

  SEC намерена контролировать операции крупнейших игроков на фондовом рынке США
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