Jake Bernstein

Jake Bernstein – a professional trader, an American analyst and author who uses his more than 40 years of practical experience in market analysis to verify the conflicting and controversial points of view, the formalization and building effective sales techniques. Jake Bernstein is one of the most popular and respected analysts of the stock and futures markets. He also has served as president of MBH Commodity Advisors, located in Vinnetka, Illinois and Network Press Inc in Skots Valley, California. Jake has written over 40 books on futures and stock markets, trading psychology and economic forecasting; introduced numerous methodologies for the analysis of futures markets, built on cycles and technical analysis, is the author of mailing for traders; conducts online training to help traders improve their skills and achieve success trade.

Jake Bernstein was born Sept. 20, 1946 in Bavaria, he moved from Europe to Canada and then in the U.S. where he began his career as a trader in 1968. Jake presented reports at conferences and seminars around the world, with 70-ies conducted more than 500 own seminars and is considered the leading educator, researcher and analyst of the stock and futures markets.

Many of the long-term social, political and economic forecasts, which Bernstein has issued over the past two decades, proved to be correct: the maximum interest rate early 1980’s, deflation the 1980’s and early 1990’s, a breakthrough in the technology of genetic engineering, lower interest rates in second half of the 1990’s, the Gulf War, etc.

Jake Bernstein – Consultant investors, traders, industrialists, financial institutions, short-term traders and brokerage firms. On his advice to sign some of the world’s largest banks and brokerage firms as well as traders in the room, professional traders and money managers, both novice and professional traders and hedgers from around the world.

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He is frequently invited to the business of radio and television programs, including: Wall Street Week, CNBC, JagFN.TV, WebTV.com Financial News Network, Web.fn, CNN (London), WBBM Radio Chicago, IEpstein.com: Ira Epstein’s Futures Internet TV Program and YouTube.com: Ira Epstein’s YouTube Channel, as often appears in the financial press. Jake Bernstein’s articles published in Futures Magazine, Money Maker, Stocks and Commodities, Barron’s Financial Weekly, FarmFutures, and other leading financial publications. His forecasts and opinions are often published in the financial press and on numerous websites.

Jake Bernstein is inclined to participate in the most active futures markets: energy, finance, contracts, S & P. But, he said, “I’m trading all that changed in the given time frame. Bernstein usually avoids such thin markets, as futures on palladium or orange juice: “I do not like how they carry out orders.

When asked about whether there is no erosion of technical analysis, as an increasing number of traders focused on the same graphic patterns, Jake Bernstein said: “The schedule patterns – is both a science and art. I tend to adhere to the crystal clear throughout. If the graph looks 10 people, and all come to the same conclusion, I feel in this situation is quite comfortable. I like to be objective. Bernstein gave the example of the Elliott Wave analysis as an example of technical analysis, inclined to be more “subjective”, since the calculation of waves is subject to individual interpretation.

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