Goldman, который sucks о нефти

Ранее было известно мнение Голдмана, что спекулянты как бы не влияют на нефть, а что они теперь говорят!

“Conversely, speculators bring fundamental views and information to the market, impacting physical supply management and facilitating price discovery. As a result, speculators have a loose relationship with price. In other words, as speculators buy, prices generally tend to rise, and vice versa. Accordingly, speculators also contributed to the extreme price movements over the last two years. For example, new data suggests that speculators increased the price of oil by $9.50/bbl on average during the 2008 run-up. Thus, speculators exacerbated the volatility that was nonetheless rooted in the fundamental imbalance.”

О чем собственно я говорил ранее в дискуссиях с pustota-2009
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