Daytrading – August 4

ERJ : Embraer – Empr Bras Aeronautica

Normally come in, loaded up and went, but put a stop to the whole position, and action is subtle and behind the knot experts agree, that it was necessary to him to collect my stop ERJ : Embraer - Empr Bras Aeronautica

KSU : Kansas City Southern

Excellent bought went up, but the rollback was greater than anticipated, and threw, could once again buy a little higher.

KSU : Kansas City Southern MCO : Moody’s Corporation

Deal of the day, share a couple of days of hard selling. The previous day she stood on this day was opened above his Haya. Gradually it began to buy and fired up, was covered on the first red candle. MCO : Moody's Corporation

TCK : Teck Resources Limited Passed below the 30 cents from my prices, but it sharply bought me knocked out.

TCK : Teck Resources Limited

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