Barnes and Noble, Inc. (New York Stock Exchange)

Company’s principal business is the sale of trade books (generally hardcover and paperback consumer titles, excluding educational textbooks and specialized religious titles), mass-market paperbacks (such as mystery, romance, science fiction and other fiction), children’s books, bargain books, magazines, gift, cafe products and services, music and movies direct to customers. As of January 31, 2009, the Company operated 778 bookstores and a Website. Of the 778 bookstores, 726 operate under the Barnes & Noble Booksellers trade name and 52 operate primarily under the B. Dalton Bookseller trade name. As of January 31, 2009, the Company owned an approximate 74% interest in Calendar Club, an operator of seasonal kiosks. The Company subsequently sold its interest in Calendar Club in February 2009. In March 2009, the Company acquired Fictionwise. Barnes & Noble conducts the online part of its business through llc (Barnes & Through Sterling Publishing Co., Inc. (Sterling), the Company is a general trade book publisher. Barnes & Noble stores range in size from 10,000 to 60,000 square feet depending upon market size, with an overall average store size of 26,000 square feet. Most of the Company’s B. Dalton stores range in size from 2,000 to 6,000 square feet. B. Dalton generally discounts between 15% and 30% off publishers’ suggested retail prices for hardcover bestsellers. B. Dalton also offers the Barnes & Noble Member Program, which gives members additional discounts and other benefits. Each Barnes & Noble store features a selection of books, ranging from 60,000 to 200,000 titles. Many of the Barnes & Noble stores have music/ digital versatile disc (DVD) departments, which range in size from 1,300 to 6,000 square feet. The music/DVD departments typically stock over 30,000 titles. The Company’s DVD selection is focused on foreign films, documentaries and episodic television shows. During the year ended December 31, 2008, the Company introduced a selection of BluRay discs. Barnes & Noble MasterCard is an affinity credit card issued by Barclays Bank Delaware. Holders of the Barnes & Noble MasterCard receive an additional 5% rebate for all purchases made in Barnes & Noble stores, B. Dalton bookstores or at Barnes & Sterling is a publisher of non-fiction trade titles, with more than 5,000 books in print. Sterling publishes a range of non-fiction and illustrated books, consisting primarily of subjects, such as crafts, food and wine, mind/ body/spirit, photography, puzzles and games, current affairs and children’s books. Sterling also publishes books for a number of brands, including many of the Hearst magazines, such as Good Housekeeping and Cosmopolitan, Hasbro, The American Museum of Natural History, and AARP. The Company competes with Borders Group, Inc., Books-A-Million, Waldenbooks,, Wal-Mart and Costco.

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