Аптик вернулся, толку мало

The alternative uptick rule (Rule 201) approved today imposes restrictions on short selling only when a stock has triggered a circuit breaker by experiencing a price decline of at least 10 percent in one day. At that point, short selling would be permitted if the price of the security is above the current national best bid.

Rule 201 includes the following features:

  • Short Sale-Related Circuit Breaker: The circuit breaker would be triggered for a security any day in which the price declines by 10 percent or more from the prior day’s closing price.

  • Duration of Price Test Restriction: Once the circuit breaker has been triggered, the alternative uptick rule would apply to short sale orders in that security for the remainder of the day as well as the following day.

  • Securities Covered by Price Test Restriction: The rule generally applies to all equity securities that are listed on a national securities exchange, whether traded on an exchange or in the over-the-counter market.

  • Implementation: The rule requires trading centers to establish, maintain, and enforce written policies and procedures that are reasonably designed to prevent the execution or display of a prohibited short sale.

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The rule will become effective 60 days after the date of publication of the release in the Federal Register, and then market participants will have six months to comply with the requirements.


Вобщем, если стак упал на 10%, тогда до конца дня и на следующий вводится аптик рул. Т.е. для того чтобы зашортать нужно чтобы кто-то купил ваш офер, сами в чужой бид зашортать вы не сможите.


Вот и все. Мне кажется что аптик дейтредерам на пользу ибо отсекается шум, и вообще трейд приятнее.
Сложнее но приятнее. Но главное другое. Регулятор ушел от умалишенной риторики о вреде шортсела, на том и спасибо.

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