
7 types of tilt in poker according to Jared Tandler

It may seem, that the tilt problem is individual, however, in reality, poker players do not differ much from each other psychologically. All individual causes of tilt can be reduced to just 7 the main types and each player, thinking about his tilt, will eventually come to one of them.


There is often an opinion of players and traders of various markets that, that profit is never small, what should be taken from the market then, what eu…

In search of individualism

Greed and fear move the market. The masses of bidders follow each other to their fate.. That's a fact.. If it wasn't true, successful traders could not earn colossal profits, using herd instincts. If you are a trader, you have to make a fundamental decision for yourself: will you follow the crowd or go your own way? Walking against crowds is not easy. Every person has a property but a desire to adapt, to follow the crowd. Following a crowd usually gives us a sense of security., like fish, who float in schools to protect each other. For old people, their age gives a sense of security..

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