
Converting US clocks to 2014

"Daylight Saving Time in the United States in 2014 year is expected 9 Martha 2014 years in 2 o'clock local time. The hands of the clock will be moved forward one hour.. »There is very little left!

VIDEO: Stephen Covey and time management

  In this video Stephen Covey, author of The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, gives advice on managing your time. And with an unusual example with stones it shows, that sometimes our understanding of time management and its true meaning can radically diverge.

Results of experiments

Experimenting with my trade for about two weeks, by the number of transactions, position size,time,trading styles. Position size : Small positions – you start to think less about the deal, more risk. As a result, not very good performance Average positions – Most comfortable so far, deliberate deals and focus on them. Good profit, with small negative trades that do not strain Large positions – Tangible profit, but also big disadvantages. Need more precision, to do them, too few attempts at mistakes. It is not always possible to incubate large movements.. Once a day you can do, but you can't always trade them.

Time dependence of profitable trades

The chart reflects the amount of closed positive and negative trades in a certain interval. He's certainly not accurate, but you can immediately see that open positions in the first hour lead to a minus for me. Here only the closing of a deal is taken into account, regardless of what time they were opened., but based on my experience, I can say that the best time to open my positions is : 10:40 – 11:30 13:00 – 13:40 14:10 – 14:40 It is necessary to try to limit the opening of trades in other time intervals

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