The USA celebrates the birthday of the first president of the country
One of the most important national holidays is celebrated in the USA on Monday – Presidents day, also known as the birthday of the country's first president, George Washington. All American leaders are honored on this day., of which there are today in history 44. Initially, this holiday was dedicated to the birthday of President George Washington and was celebrated 22 February. It became an official day off later. 80 years after his death – in 1879 year. However, in 1971 year, a law was adopted on the unification of holidays, according to which a significant part of the holidays began to be tied not to the date, but by the day of the week, or rather Monday. This saves employers from weekends., and Americans have more three-day weekends. The sacrifice is chronological accuracy: Washington's birthday began to be celebrated every third Monday in February. Then, at the same time, an offer was made to celebrate on this holiday and the birthday of the most popular President in US history, President Abraham Lincoln., born 12 February.