
The USA celebrates the birthday of the first president of the country

One of the most important national holidays is celebrated in the USA on Monday – Presidents day, also known as the birthday of the country's first president, George Washington. All American leaders are honored on this day., of which there are today in history 44. Initially, this holiday was dedicated to the birthday of President George Washington and was celebrated 22 February. It became an official day off later. 80 years after his death – in 1879 year. However, in 1971 year, a law was adopted on the unification of holidays, according to which a significant part of the holidays began to be tied not to the date, but by the day of the week, or rather Monday. This saves employers from weekends., and Americans have more three-day weekends. The sacrifice is chronological accuracy: Washington's birthday began to be celebrated every third Monday in February. Then, at the same time, an offer was made to celebrate on this holiday and the birthday of the most popular President in US history, President Abraham Lincoln., born 12 February.

New Year

Last working day of this year.

Tomorrow, certainly, trades are also open… But I don't want to work in the New Year.

It won't take long to rest anyway :)

On the third day already in the office!

I wish everyone a great celebration.

Successful trades and green statistics :)

Happy New Year!


From всей souls поздравляю All, All, All holiday greetings Новым 2010 Year!

Wish necessarily to find my вторую половинку, настоящих friends, romantic dating And положительных emotions.
Let be year тигра for you there will be not growling, and fluffy, how Kitty and not striped, but lucky.

Wish, to наступающий year was better And brighter previous!

I wish everyone the fulfillment of desires, spiritual and material enrichment, acquiring inner harmony.
Bulls and bears! The main thing is to give in to each other, live together.
More for you" profitable deals" in different aspects.


Здоровья, Happiness, love To you And Вашим близким!


Day trading for 27 november

On this day, the US stock market – The NYSE ran a shortened session. Managed to commit 1 deal and close in positive territory. FCX : Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc Sector: Basic Materials > Industry: Gold and Silver Из за дубаев рынок открылся в большом минусе и была идея что акции откроются с большим GAP DOWN и начнут закрывать его. I wanted to buy finance, but did not have time. Everything went as I thought, stocks went up.  

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